weird problem

  • Hi all,

    We are using a migration tool to update our SQL databases (Aelita SQL Update Wizard).

    On one server it has a problem.  It wants to create a table but that table seems to exist already (probably a leftover from a previous test).  But the table cannot be dropped or truncated because it doesn't exist anymore????

    I get the following error messages:

    Error nycs3906:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server -2147217900 There is already an object named 'aelita_accounts' in the database.

    Error nycs3906:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server -2147217865 Could not truncate table 'aelita_accounts' because this table does not exist in database 'master'.

    When I manually try to create a table I get the following error.

    'Aelita_accounts' table

    - Unable to create table. 

    ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]There is already an object named 'Aelita_accounts' in the database.

    I can't find that object anywhere in the database. 

    Any ideas on how to remove this 'hidden' object?





  • First of all. Why do you have a table object in master?? You should have as little objects as possible in there. And mostly only admin stored procs.

    Anyways run this and post the results :

    use master

    Select Name, XType, user_name(uid) as Owner from dbo.SysObjects where name = 'aelita_accounts'

  • Just a couple of questions.

    Is the table supposed to be in the master database, as the error indicates?

    Might it have been created under an id other than dbo?

    If you do a select * from sysobjects where type = 'u' in the database where the table is supposed to be, does the tables show up?

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • The migration tool seems to create temporary tables in the master DB.

    I have no idea which account was used to create this table.  I'm not even sure whether the object really exists at all since none of queries on sysobjects return the object.

    Is it possible that the ODBC error is misleading? The server is running Windows 2003 - SQL 2000.  The tools are running on a Windows 2000 server.

  • further info

    I cannot create any table in the master DB.

    I always get the error message

    'test' table

    - Unable to create table. 

    ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]There is already an object named 'test' in the database.

    I tried this with Enterprise Manager on the local server to avoid connectivty issues.


    Ideas please.

  • could be... can you fire up the profiler, restart the process and reexecute in QA to have the actual error and more info on what's going on?

  • Could you run profiler while this is running so you can see what the script is trying to do and the exact database context?  What id are you logged on as when you run this and what server level permissions does that id have?

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Is it echo in here?

  • Perhaps we were identical twins separated at birth?

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • My mother, sisters and father would remember that one as they assisted my birth.

  • Ok - I ran the following command in QA

    use master

    CREATE TABLE [test1] (

     [pk] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    Server: Msg 2714, Level 16, State 6, Line 1

    There is already an object named 'test1' in the database.

    Profiler did not give any extra info.


    I'm a full admin on the box and the sql server.

  • I've seen these kind of confusing messages before when the script assumes that the user running it is either SA or has the target database set as his default and that he is DBO there.  I'm guessing that it's a flaw in the script and that using an id that matches the assumptions might make it run correctly.

    Please tell me you didn't just post something that said the same thing!

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • If there's no object in master, then maybe it is create twice in the same transaction... are you sure you got everything statement in that batch?

  • "Please tell me you didn't just post something that said the same thing!"

    Might I remind you that you are the one repeating after me... not the other way around.

  • -----

    use master

    CREATE TABLE [test1] (

     [pk] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]



    Nothing else.  Very strange.

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