Want some tips for paper 70-229

  • Certification is supposed to indicate that the person holding said certification has expert-level knowledge of the product they're certified in. Originally, Microsoft had certain prerequisits that were recommended before one even attempted a test, e.g., using SQL Server in a commercial production environment for at least 2 years.

    If someone only learns ("focuses") on the things they need to pass the test, it is unlikely that the information will be retained for long... especially in the absence of continual application of the concepts. Again, using the 70-229 as an example, why would one even pursue a certification if their job does not involve using most of the features tested for on the exam? It's perfectly acceptable to list "some T-SQL..." on the resume if that's truly your exposure. There's no need to claim to be an expert if you're not.

    To put it another way, if the bulk of the exam topics are on features that you "...NEVER/SELDOM use...", then the certification is not applicable for you.

    Note that this is only my opinion... and probably a minority opinion at that, unfortunately.


  • "Again, using the 70-229 as an example, why would one even pursue a certification if their job does not involve using most of the features tested for on the exam? It's perfectly acceptable to list "some T-SQL..." on the resume if that's truly your exposure. There's no need to claim to be an expert if you're not."

    Troy - speaking for myself (& maybe a few others ;-/) - we pursue certification to further our knowledge, enhance our careers etc...eg: I've been working on project "x" for the past 3 years and am now in a rut..I know my career is assured for at least another year but if I were to then go job-hunting I'd like at least a (passed) exam or two under my belt - true - it doesn't have to be CERTIFICATION - but then the goal of certification is infinitely more motivating - besides I can prove (to both myself and prospective employer) that I have what it takes to study and learn!!!!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Actually, in most (if not all) cases, the passage of a single exam results in a certification-- the "MCP" (Microsoft Certified Professional). [someone jump in and correct me if this is no longer the case]

    As you point out, many people do view the certification process as a means of studying and obtaining new knowledge. What I'm trying to point out is that, at least at one time, it was a means to verify existing knowledge.


  • Yes Troy - certification SHOULD (hopefully) verify existing knowledge in addition to building on knowledge-base...

    Also you're right about MCP certification for a single exam...since I work with SQL design and development that's the one I'm aiming for...don't want the whole kit and caboodle thrown in unless someone holds a gun to my head...

    This is an aside...but I'm currently attending classes for 228 & 229 and 3 instructors have come and gone...one was certified mcdba and mcsd and the other 2 have been working as SQL DBAs for over 7 years...I was appalled to see that in many cases I actually knew more than they did...so I DO understand when you say that people had better back up their certification-flaunting with adequate knowledge....

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Well i am not a database guy but i work on sql server quite offten but only to an extent ofqwritign sql queries.

    But when i was turning some books and reading articles for exam 70-229 i got some real concepts which if known we can increase the performance of our work.

    I agree its right that we should test our knowledge at some point.

    Also when i consulted some of my friends they guided me like "cram few sites questions are as it is coppied " so u will clear.But this is not the way to give exam.

    Learning should be the main purpose.!!

    Kindest Regards,


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