View Snapshot Agent Status

  • Hello all,

    I have transactional replication setup between two sql instances. I created a table on the publisher, but the changes were not replicated to the subscriber. So I clicked the start button in the "View Snapshot Agent Status." What does that do under the covers. Is it initializing or re-initializing? Because in the Agent History it shows that it is initialized and it ships all of the tables again not just the one that was just created. I do have replicate schema changes set to 'true'.



  • Where is this "View Snapshot Agent Status"? I can't find in "Replication Monitor". :doze:

    If you choose "replicate schema change" true, it will replicate when the snapshot agent starts next time.

  • thanks for the reply Wildcat,

    Sorry I should have clarified the build up to the question better. But your last statement may cut to the heart of the issue. If it will replicate over the next time the agent runs, and it is transactional, shouldn't the agent run on-demand. Meaning, does the agent not run continuously with transactional replication, as changes are being logged? Or, does the agent run at certain intervals?



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