view combines tables from multiple dbs

  • Is the following view the best way for 1) combining identical tables from 14 identical databases and 2) inserting a db name field as the first column so you can know which database a record came from? Server is SS 2000 sp4.

    CREATE view vw_item as  

    select *

    from ( 

         select 'db1' as site, * from db1.dbo.item  with (nolock)

         union all 

         select 'db2' as site, * from db2.dbo.item   with (nolock)

         union all 

         select 'db3' as site, * from db3.dbo.item   with (nolock)

         union all 


    ) item

    It works ok, but I do notice on occassion that there is a performance hit when the view is used in a complex query. The Site field is very important; it can't be indexed. I've never had success with an indexed view. Thanks.


  • wats the number of rows returned by each database. i hope u r trying to create a view that will for sure hit ur sql performance.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • How important is it that the query returns "live" data?  If you can tolerate some latency, you might try writing a stored procedure that fills a table.  The table can be indexed so that your query is efficient.  Then you can create a job to kick off the proc every so often when you need the data to be refreshed.

    Another advantage to the proc idea is that if the number of databases you include in your query changes, you can write some embedded SQL to intuit which is the correct list of databases and fill your table accordingly.


    - Paul

  • Can you modify the tables? If you add a column to the tables indicating the database it is in (or better yet an integer value that references a table with the names of the database in it), those values can be indexed in the table and in the view.

    For example:


    Table Test1 (TestID int identity primary key, TestValue varchar(5) not null default ('hdiak'))



    Into Test1 Default Values


    Alter Table Test1 Add DBName sysname not null Constraint DF_DBName Default(db_name());


    Index ix__Test1__DBName On Test1(DBName);



    Table Test1 Add DBID smallint not null Constraint DF_DBID Default(12);


    Index ix__Test1__DBID On Test1(DBID);



    * From Test1


    table Test1

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  • The view is used by a number of reports and programs. The number of rows returned by these queries vary from one record to 10 thousand on average.

    The database containing these tables and views is actually used for reporting. So I could add a site field to each table and index it. The problem is that this would probably affect many stored procedures, reports, programs and DTS programs.

    Thanks to all for your suggestions. Keep them coming if anyone has any further input.



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