VIEW - 9

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  • Nice Question Ron.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Fun question.

    I wonder how many people will fail to notice that although you've got everything ready to create the index you haven't actually done so, so the view is not indexed and can't have statistics.


  • Ah..Good question to begin with our Monday morning 🙂

    ~ Lokesh Vij

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  • L' Eomot Inversé (10/14/2012)

    Fun question.

    I wonder how many people will fail to notice that although you've got everything ready to create the index you haven't actually done so, so the view is not indexed and can't have statistics.

    Correct answers: 79% (33)

    Incorrect answers: 21% (9)

    9/42 already failed to noticed this..

    ~ Lokesh Vij

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  • nice question ..

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm:

  • I'm not very offay with Views, not used them much at all.

    However after the last question like this I knew it needed that clustered index so got the answer right this time round.

    Great questions, cheers.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]"The difficult tasks we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer"[/font]

  • At first sight, I thought this was a question to check whether indexed views can have their own statistics. I did not know that, so I set out to research that, and I thought this was a great question.

    Than, I (luckily) doublechecked the question - and found that it is actually a question that tests my ability to read carefully, and to not fall victim to suggested information.

    The way the question is worded (with the starting words: "I set the options to support indexed views" (emmphasis mine) suggests that the view is indexed. It is very easy to overlook the fact that no index is created, hence it is a normal, unindexed view.

    Ron has already submitted a lot of questions, and I have never seen him intentionally try to trick people, so I am sure that it was not his intention to make this a trick question either.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
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  • Hugo Kornelis (10/15/2012)

    At first sight, I thought this was a question to check whether indexed views can have their own statistics. I did not know that, so I set out to research that, and I thought this was a great question.

    Than, I (luckily) doublechecked the question - and found that it is actually a question that tests my ability to read carefully, and to not fall victim to suggested information.

    The way the question is worded (with the starting words: "I set the options to support indexed views" (emmphasis mine) suggests that the view is indexed. It is very easy to overlook the fact that no index is created, hence it is a normal, unindexed view.

    Ron has already submitted a lot of questions, and I have never seen him intentionally try to trick people, so I am sure that it was not his intention to make this a trick question either.


    I did not read carefully 😀

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  • I thought this one was pretty clear and unambiguous, no trickery just the knowledge / research required to amswer it.

  • Would there also be a difference between dbo.c_view and dbo.C_view if you had case sensitive collation set?

    MCSA SQL Server 2012

  • Richard Warr (10/15/2012)

    Would there also be a difference between dbo.c_view and dbo.C_view if you had case sensitive collation set?

    Yes, if your database uses case sensitive collation, "c_view" is different from "C_view". (And "dbo" is also different frmo "Dbo").

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
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  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Great Monday morning question. Thanks.

  • A very good question.:-)

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