Very large fact table

  • Hi,

    I'm working on a BI project to store surveys over the last 10 years. We've got a very large fact table. This fact table contains all question/answer combination per survey, per respondent. It's about 4,5 10^9 rows and the estimated size is about 150GB (without indexes). Has anyone any idea how we should 'organize' this? I guess we have to use partitioning, but are there other possibilities.

    As for an example: 1 survey contains about 250 questions and over 250.000 people has responded. And there are dozens of surveys 🙁

    Thanks in advance


  • I would have a partition for each survey..

    Warm Regards,
    Neel aka Vijay.

  • 1 per survey is probably too many partitions. My suggestion would be to download the project REAL white papers from Microsoft. They did an actual implementation of a very large data warehouse as a test project for their product. They have some good tips for partitioning fact tables in the documentation. You probably need to do some partitioning, but you will have some options and seeing a real-life example documented will help.

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