variable in the FROM clause

  • I'm trying to dynamically loop through user tables listed in the sysobjects table to run some basic queries and cannot figure out how to dynamically assign a table name.  The basic part of the query that is failing is:


    declare @selField varchar(50)

    declare @selTbl varchar(50)

    set @selField = 'name'

    set @selTbl = 'sysobjects'

    select @selField

    from @selTbl;

    The error is - must declare the variable '@selTbl' 

    Does anyone know how to dynamically insert the table name (without using cgi scripting). 


  • declare @selField varchar(50)

    declare @selTbl varchar(50)

    declare @sql varchar(100)

    set @selField = 'name'

    set @selTbl = 'sysobjects'

    SET @sql = 'SELECT ' + @selField + ' from ' + @selTbl


  • Dynamic sql:

    declare @selField varchar(50), @sql nvarchar(1000)

    declare @selTbl varchar(50)

    set @selField = 'name'

    set @selTbl = 'sysobjects'

    set @sql = N'select '+@selfield+' from '+@seltbl

    exec sp_executesql @sql



  • Okay that works. 


  • Not sure, what you're trying to accomplish here, but have a look at

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I was looping through all columns in all tables using the 'sysobjects' and 'syscolumns' tables to run a basic selectivity query to determine which columns should be indexed or not.

    That article explained a lot.  There also seems to be a lot of overhead using EXEC().  I wonder why SQL Server won't support local variables anywhere except in the where clause....even having trouble in the order by clause....

    I'm trying to get away from building SQL directly in the application and more on the database side (mostly because I'm soley a DBA now and no longer programming)...

  • I would use sp_MSforeachtable undocumented stored procedure.

    There is also a similar procedure sp_MSforeachdb see


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Awesome.  This is exactly what I was looking for.  Thanks.

  • When you look at the code of both procedures, you'll see two very good reasons why they are undocumented: cursors and dynamic sql

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Yeah I noticed that....the script that I am running is for maintenance only and not for any kind of oltp actions so I should be okay in that respect. 

    Essentially I have to administer an instance that has close to a thousand db's and need a scripting method to alter, say one table, in all db's if necessary.

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