Validate phone numbers in SQL

  • Hi All,

    I have a table with phone number column, it contains land phone numbers & mobile numbers as well.

    1. A phone number without code will be 7 in length

    2. A ph number with length 10,11

    3. mobile number with length 10,11

    Say my phone number code 088 2345678 and mobile number is 2345678919 or 2345678919

    data is available in below formats:




    4.2345678919this is my number




    I want to remove all the alphabets before number starts and after the number and if the number has any alphabets in between the number they should go as invalid records.

    Can any body suggest ,how can we achieve With out using any CLRs and using only SQL .


  • Have a look at these two threads


    How to format unformated phone numbers

    Digits only

  • This supports only 4 rules you have mentioned. No '()', '-' or whitespaces allowed.

    declare @S varchar(50) = 'fd123456asa789013dfd';

    select @S

    , f.Flag

    , nmbr = case f.Flag when 'OK' then substring(@s,f.strt,f.ln) end

    from (select null dummy ) dummy

    cross apply (

    select cd1 = nullif(patindex('%[^0-9][0-9]%',@s),0)

    , cde = len(@s) - nullif(patindex('%[0-9][^0-9]%',reverse(@s)),0)

    , dc1 = nullif(patindex('%[0-9][^0-9]%',@s),0)

    , dce = len(@s) - nullif(patindex('%[^0-9][0-9]%',reverse(@s)),0) ) as pos

    cross apply (

    select flag = case when @S is null

    or patindex('%[0-9]%',@s) = 0

    or isnull(pos.dc1,len(@s)) < isnull(pos.cde,0) then 'Bad number'

    when isnull(dce,len(@s))-isnull(cd1,0) not in (7,10,11) then 'Bad length'

    else 'OK' end

    ,strt = isnull(cd1,0)+1

    ,ln = isnull(dce,len(@s))-isnull(cd1,0)

    ) as f

    Hope it helps.

  • How i can use a column name instead of providing number, i have phone numbers provided in column "TELEPHONE" on table "ADDRESS", so how i can use below query to validate whole column in once.

    this is great and i was looking for this solution, please help

    declare @S varchar(50) = 'fd123456asa789013dfd';

    select @S

    , f.Flag

    , nmbr = case f.Flag when 'OK' then substring(@s,f.strt,f.ln) end

    from (select null dummy ) dummy

    cross apply (

    select cd1 = nullif(patindex('%[^0-9][0-9]%',@s),0)

    , cde = len(@s) - nullif(patindex('%[0-9][^0-9]%',reverse(@s)),0)

    , dc1 = nullif(patindex('%[0-9][^0-9]%',@s),0)

    , dce = len(@s) - nullif(patindex('%[^0-9][0-9]%',reverse(@s)),0) ) as pos

    cross apply (

    select flag = case when @S is null

    or patindex('%[0-9]%',@s) = 0

    or isnull(pos.dc1,len(@s)) < isnull(pos.cde,0) then 'Bad number'

    when isnull(dce,len(@s))-isnull(cd1,0) not in (7,10,11) then 'Bad length'

    else 'OK' end

    ,strt = isnull(cd1,0)+1

    ,ln = isnull(dce,len(@s))-isnull(cd1,0)

    ) as f

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by  lambad.

    --LEN(phone) AS phone_len,
    CASE WHEN phone LIKE '%[^0-9]%' THEN 0
    WHEN LEN(phone) IN (7, 10, 11) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
    = 0 THEN 'Invalid' ELSE 'Valid' END AS phone_status

    (1, 'mob2345678house'), (2, '2345678da'), (3, '2345xx678'),
    (4, '2345678919this is my number'), (5, 'office2345678919'),
    (6, '2345xhk678919'), (7, '2345678919callme'),
    (8, 'bunchoflettersnonumber') --<<--added row with no digits at all
    ) AS data(id, phone_string)
    SELECT PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', phone_string) AS phone_first_digit,
    LEN(phone_string) - PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', REVERSE(phone_string)) + 1 AS phone_last_digit
    ) AS ca1
    SELECT CASE WHEN phone_first_digit = 0 THEN '' ELSE SUBSTRING(phone_string,
    phone_first_digit, phone_last_digit - phone_first_digit + 1) END AS phone
    ) AS ca2

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

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