Using trusted connection with DTS scripts

  • Hi y'all, I just got a new server for our website and am trying to tighten security on my DTS packages. I'm trying to use Windows Authentication instead of hard coded passwords to access my SQL database via an Active X Script, but my package fails whenever I try to connect to the database.

    I'm using the same connection string that I know works for the ASP pages on my website. However, in that instance I had to grant the IUSR account access to the database in order for it to work. Do I have to do something similar in this situation?

    I am sysadmin of the database, I created the package, I scheduled the package, and I thought all of that meant that package had the same rights as my account. So what am I missing?

    Help would be appreciated, and since I don't understand this stuff well, I might have omitted some important information. Let me know if I need to provide more. Thanks!

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  • Matthew,

    If you're using a login other than your own for the connection in DTS, you'll have to grant it access to the database.

    If the package is scheduled, it runs under the security context of the login used for SQL Server Agent, not yours.   



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