Using RTRIM, LTRIM with a LEFT Function.

  • Is there a particular order for using the LTRIM, RTRIM with a LEFT function? Example - I only want the Left 35 from a field and want to trim any unnecessary off it. Is this the correct Syntax - LEFT(RTRIM(LTRIM(Guar.First)),35) or should I use the TRIM's then the LEFT?

  • As you're on 2019, use the TRIM() function instead. Do the trim first.


    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Thank you!

  • Jeffs1977 wrote:

    or should I use the TRIM's then the LEFT?

    That is what you are doing; the LTRIM would be processed first, then the RTRIM, and finally LEFT. Perhaps you mean should you LEFT and then trim, which would be LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(Guar.First,35))).

    These, however, would not give the same results. Assuming you want the left most characters, and then trim any whitespace off, then you want the LEFT in the inside. If you want the trim the string first and then get the 35 left most characters you want the trims inside.

    You don't actually say which you want, but here's an example:

    DECLARE @SomeString varchar(50) = '   ' + REPLICATE('a',30) + '   x y z ';

    SELECT CONCAT('"',TRIM(LEFT(@SomeString,35)),'"') AS LeftThenTrim,
    CONCAT('"',LEFT(TRIM(@SomeString),35),'"') AS TrimThenLeft;

    This gives the following results (I have added the double quotes):

    LeftThenTrim                          TrimThenLeft
    ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
    "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa x "

    The first takes the 35 left most characters, giving 3 spaces, followed by 30 a's, followed by 2 more spaces, and then trims it; giving 30 a characters.

    The second, however, trims the value first, then takes the 35 left most characters from that, resulting in 30 a's, followed by 3 spaces, an x, and then another space.

    So, to answer which is correct, it depends what result you are after.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thom has provided good logic. What do you want? 35 characters from the beginning and then remove any whitespace? Or remove whitespace, then take the 35 characters from the left.

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