Using Parameters with Stored Procedures

  • The problem I find with developers creating stored procedures is the need to have database owner authority.  I promote the stored procedures to production but they have full control in development. 

    I wish SQL Server had an authority just for Stored Procedure development.

    David Bird

  • The article is basic and good.

    Regarding the VB.NET code posted, I would recommend opening the connection as late as possible and close as early as you can, than have the open statement at the beginning.

    and you also forgot to close the connection.

    so it would be:


    'execute the query



    Dinakar Nethi
    Life is short. Enjoy it.

  • I think that two aspect of stored procedure are very important:

    Optimization, after you run your stored procedure for the first time it is optimized and next time it works faster because server (MS SQL) store execution plan and use it at next attempt to run procedure. So if you have a very complicated sql query which access multiple tables when if you put your query in stored procedure it will return data faster. 

    Security if you get data from Web page and for example you create sql query based on them if you pass data from customer as parameter to stored procedure it will automatically prevent some code injection attack because SQL server will test data against expected format.

    For this .Net code example I would even put this part with connection in try catch finally block  or only try finally to be sure that connection is closed and disposed after we done with our code like:


    ........'your data processing




    End Try


  • Good advice!

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • ... I love stuff like this. Maybe you should submit it to the script library! ...


    VB.Net support from your SQLServer DBA


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  • Thanks for the article

  • This is a very good article for starters like me.

  • I know it's an older article, but I gotta say, nicely done, Kathi! Great examples for folks that don't know.

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  • Thanks, guys! This has been my most popular article. Glad that I have been able to help lots of people.

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
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  • Kathi,

    Great article.

    One thing I wanted to add, which threw me for a loop a while back, is that if you use a return value when filling a datareader object that return value isn't available in code until after the datareader has iterated through all of its rows and closed. Which to me seems backwards. I always wanted to use the return value to make sure the SP didn't error-off and then run through my reader, but the return value isn't available until after I'd run through the reader. Weird.

    George H.

  • Nice article Kathi. Good job.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Good article.

    One thing I like to include in parameter names is the direction. For example, "@Date_in" would be an input parameter, "@Date_out" would be an output parameter, "@Date_both" would be both.

    Variables declared in the body of the proc don't have either. (e.g.: "@Date")

    It makes it easier when I'm debugging or refactoring a proc, to be able to tell at a glance, whether I'm looking at an input parameter, an output parameter, or an internal variable.

    Property of The Thread

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  • Great idea!

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • The Logic given below has really finished my doubt which i was having in retrieving the output parameter in sql queries...

    I knew it how to fetch the output from front end and actually itried like this in sql queries but i forgot that at the time of retrieval we give output identifier that's why i was making mistake in the retrieval ....


    Regards Praveen

    [font="Arial Black"]

    ALTER PROC usp_AddTwoIntegers

    @FirstNumber int = 5,

    @SecondNumber int,

    @Answer varchar(30) OUTPUT


    Set @Answer = 'The answer is ' + convert(varchar,@FirstNumber + @SecondNumber)

    Declare @a int, @b-2 int, @C varchar(30)

    Select @a = 1, @b-2 = 3

    Exec usp_AddTwoIntegers @a, @b-2, @C OUTPUT

    Select @C[/font]

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