Using Join with Update

  • Hi,

    I've worked out how to use Join with Select Statements, but I need to use it with an Update statement.

    I've tried:

    update jobs

    set comm = 0

    join customer on jobs.cus_id=customer.cus_id

    where customer.rate_group = '1'

    and weekno = 200902

    but no joy, what am I missing ??



  • m.dunster (4/14/2009)


    I've worked out how to use Join with Select Statements, but I need to use it with an Update statement.

    I've tried:

    update jobs

    set comm = 0

    join customer on jobs.cus_id=customer.cus_id

    where customer.rate_group = '1'

    and weekno = 200902

    but no joy, what am I missing ??




    update j

    set comm = 0

    from customer c, jobs j

    where c.cus_id = j.cus_id

    and c.rate_group = '1'

    and weekno = 200902

  • Hi

    Thanks for the reply.

    I managed to get the following working:

    update jobs

    set comm = 0

    from jobs join customer on jobs.cus_id=customer.cus_id

    where customer.rate_group = '1'

    and weekno = 200902

  • This is what i like about the SQL Server, Updates using is Join is really kool. In Oracle there is no way you can perform Joins in Updates unless you use Sub Queries.

  • From what I understand, and please correct me if I am wrong, UPDATE FROM is not ANSI standard

    So with the MERGE statement introduced in SQL 2008, it is preferred to use that command instead.

  • rgillings (4/14/2009)

    From what I understand, and please correct me if I am wrong, UPDATE FROM is not ANSI standard

    So with the MERGE statement introduced in SQL 2008, it is preferred to use that command instead.

    I agree with you..

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