Using fields from a view in SELECT statement

  • I've been trying to use the basic format of reports that previously were in an Access sytem in SQL RS.  In access, there were several queries that totaled and summaried various data, and were called into the report through the select statement.  I'd like to replicate that here, and created views of the SQL.  Now, what is the syntex to use those fields together with the rest of my SELECT clause.

    Warning - I'm a super NEWBIE to the whole SQL world, so please try to answer in layman's terms!

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  • Do as google search on SQL Views.  They are easy to create...

    create view as

    select a,b from table

  • Just use the view (after creating it as shown in the post above) as if it were a table like this:

    select * from myview


    You can use joins using regular tables and views to get the info you want.

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