Using Coalesce to Clean Up Reports

  • I seem to recall that this sort of thing is sometimes discouraged:

    SELECT  @catlist = @catlist + COALESCE(p.ProductCategory1, p.ProductCategory2, 'NA')  + ', '
    FROM dbo.Product AS p

    You can use FOR XML PATH('') or STRING_AGG (since SQL Server 2017):

    SELECT @catlist = STRING_AGG(COALESCE(p.ProductCategory1, p.ProductCategory2, 'NA'), ', ')
    FROM dbo.Product as p
  • I think this is a error typo is this query: , oh.,oh.OrderDate

    SELECT CustomerID,

    COALESCE(oh.OrderCompleteDate, oh.OrderProcessDate, oh.OrderUpdatedDate, oh.OrderReceivedDate, oh.,oh.OrderDate) AS 'OrderDate'

    FROM dbo.OrderHeader AS oh;


  • michel.droguettc wrote:

    I think this is a error typo is this query: , oh.,oh.OrderDate

    SELECT CustomerID, COALESCE(oh.OrderCompleteDate, oh.OrderProcessDate, oh.OrderUpdatedDate, oh.OrderReceivedDate, oh.,oh.OrderDate) AS 'OrderDate' FROM dbo.OrderHeader AS oh;

    thanks, I've corrected this and submitted a new version

  • gbritton1 wrote:

    I seem to recall that this sort of thing is sometimes discouraged:

    I have seen a few people recommend using for xml, but not a blog that shows why or the exact differences. I've used it many times without issue. If you have a reference, I'd like to read it.

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Using Coalesce to Clean Up Reports

  • good discussion here:

    relevant section to this application:

    Even without ORDER BY, we do not guarantee that @var = @var + will produce the concatenated value for any statement that affects multiple rows. The right-hand side of the expression can be evaluated either once or multiple times during query execution and the behavior as I said is plan dependent.

    I do not know how to find the old connect articles, which is a pity.  Still, today, there is no reason to use the form

    select @var = @var +...

    given the alternatives

  • gbritton1 wrote:

    good discussion here:

    relevant section to this application:

    Even without ORDER BY, we do not guarantee that @var = @var + will produce the concatenated value for any statement that affects multiple rows. The right-hand side of the expression can be evaluated either once or multiple times during query execution and the behavior as I said is plan dependent.

    I do not know how to find the old connect articles, which is a pity.  Still, today, there is no reason to use the form

    select @var = @var +...

    given the alternatives

    Even with an ORDER BY - the order is not guaranteed.  It can and will be different depending on whether or not you include ASC/DESC or blank.  I think this change was introduced in 2016 - but was mostly seen when using the form of SELECT @var = column which returned 'incorrect' values.

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • Not directly about coalesce, but since we are also talking about ways to concatenate rows, worth checking is a relatively recent addition to T-SQL functions is string_agg (expression, separator) .  Example:

    SELECT Object_ID, [name], [Parent_object_id]
    FROM [sys].[check_constraints]
    ; returns someting like this
    Object_ID name Parent_object_id
    ----------- -------------------------------------------- ----------------
    859150106 CK_SubmittedTestAttempts_no_future_Start 1109578991
    1038626743 Stage_Number_NOT_NULL 1810105489
    1054626800 Stages_test_design_version_id_NOT_NULL 1810105489

    (3 rows affected)

    We need values from column [Name] in a list:

    SELECT string_agg([name], ', ') AS MyLista
    FROM [sys].[check_constraints]
    ; returns
    CK_SubmittedTestAttempts_no_future_Start, Stage_Number_NOT_NULL, Stages_test_design_version_id_NOT_NULL

    SELECT string_agg([name], ' ---- ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY [name] DESC) AS MyLista
    FROM [sys].[check_constraints]
    ; returns
    Stages_test_design_version_id_NOT_NULL ---- Stage_Number_NOT_NULL ---- CK_SubmittedTestAttempts_no_future_Start

    Function string_agg allows sorting and many other nice things. The only limitation  - output string is limited to nvarchar(4000). Beyond that, it may work, or not. That's why God gave us FOR XML

    I could possibly write an article with examples. So many nice things are possible, some of them we implemented in my shop.


    Zidar's Theorem: The best code is no code at all...

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