Using a view is degrading Select performance

  • Hi All,

    I'm trying to troubleshoot a query in someone else's (honestly it is someone else's) database where the performance is unacceptable, when I use a view in the select statement it takes over 8 minutes to run. When I run the code in the view with the additional joins the select runs under 2 seconds

    I can see from the Execution plans that when I use the view, 2 Hash Match (Right outer joins) are introduced. Are these the issue and if so how can I get rid of these.

    All the join columns are included in indexes , is it a matter of updating the statistics?

    I'm a developer here and I dont have a DBA unfortunately so any help would be appreciated (maybe its time to go on a course)

    Let me know if anyone needs more detail.



    (I have posted this query on the simple talk forums as well)


    SELECT * FROM vw_PositionPnl p

    inner Join Securitydata sd on sd.Security =

    inner Join StrategyData sdy ON sdy.PM=p.PM and sdy.Strategy=p.Strategy

    where TradeDate='12/9/09'




    IsNull(cs.Security, p.Security) Security,






    Case when Ccy in ('NZD', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'AUD') then FXRate else 1/FXRate end NormalizedFXRate,

    pt.Name ProductType, pt.IsLinear, Case when pt.Name='FX Forward' then FXPair else IsNull(cs.Security, p.Security) end RiskSecurity,

    Case when p.Strategy='EUR_SHARE_HEDGE' or p.AssetClass = 'Treasury' or p.PM not in ('WD', 'SW', 'CG', 'MM') then 0 else 1 end IncludePnl,

    Case when p.AssetClass='CC' then 'CC' else p.PM end ActualPM

    From RiskpnlDW..PositionPnl p

    Left Join InstClass c on c.InstClass=p.InstClass and p.InstType=c.InstType

    Left Join ProductType pt on pt.ProductTypeId=c.ProductTypeId

    Left Join ContractSecurity cs on cs.ContractId = p.ContractId

    inner Join Securitydata sd on sd.Security =

    inner Join StrategyData sdy ON sdy.PM=p.PM and sdy.Strategy=p.Strategy

    where TradeDate='12/9/09'

  • can you post the execution plan?

    Roshan Joe

    Jeff Moden -Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • Is XML format OK Joe?

  • Joe please find the good and bad sql plans attached just delete the .txt which I added to ensure they'd upload.



  • Sql plans now attached in post above.

  • Since this is SQL Server 2005, you can save the Actual Execution plan as .sqlplan file and upload that.

  • Thanks Lynn, I've posted them above and got rid of the xml


  • Try updating the statistics , on particularly ContractSecurity and SecurityData. The estimates are well out from the actual row counts.

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Thanks Dave I've set the stats to update on the entire database tonight and I'll let you know how I get on on Monday.


  • Morning All,

    So Dave's rebuild the statistics suggestion got the code to run in 20 seconds approx (massive gain there) so thanks very much Dave hats off to you, I'd better check whats actually happening with the nightly maintenance plans.

    The view is still 10 times slower than using the underlying code.

    We have a brand new execution plan (for those interested) where the major cost now is Parallelism(Gather Streams) I added a OPTION (MAXDOP 1) hint to try and get around this but it made things worse it took 90 seconds.


  • Glad its moving better,

    Looking at you new plan , the issue is now with the amount of rows returned by the securitydata table.

    I think this is because its being join to on the security column of the view which is 'IsNull(cs.Security, p.Security) Security' , Try returning both the cs.Security and p.Security in the view and then outer joining twice to the security table and isnull the resulting columns from that.

    In your 'fast' version the join is 'inner Join Securitydata sd on sd.Security ='

    hope this is clear

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Dave , run time is 1 second, you I believe, are the man.

    Thanks for all the help and Merry Christmas


  • No worries , glad to help

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

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