Users Preventing SSIS Table Load

  • My SSIS packages are pretty simple as I redownload data from another database system. The SSIS package does two things:

    1. Truncates the table

    2. Reloads the table

    I have users that access my SQL Server tables using MS Access. If the user runs a query and leaves it open in MS Access, a lock will occur. My SSIS package will wait (and wait and wait) for the lock to clear. When the user closes the MS Access query, the SSIS package will continue with the truncate.

    What is the best way to "disconnect" the users prior to the first step? I'm hoping there is some SQL I can execute that will drop the user connections and before they can reconnect the package will be onto the load step.

    The users only have Select permissions to the database. I thought that would prevent them from locking a table but it doesn't seem that way.


  • check out the link, think this is what you are after

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