Users access to Databases

  • Hi

    I have many users having access to many databases. Now I need a list which lists users who have access to the databases.

    I tried, but the result shows the user id with its associated default database name. But I need all the database associated with that user


    UserName         DBName

    User1              DB1

    User1              DB2

    User1              DB4

    User2              DB2

    User2              DB3

    User3              DB2

    User3              DB3

    User4              DB4

    Thanks in Advance

    Sathish Kumar. R

  • There's a pretty good script for this in the script section. Do a search for 'Script to list all user and roles'

    It will list users, roles, and database access (not the type of access, but what users and roles are permitted to which databases).

  • Hi Chris Moix,

    Thanks a lot. I got the script.

    Sathish ...

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