UserDefinedFunction Issues in View -- SQl 2000

  • UserDefinedFunction Issues in View -- SQl 2000




    I have a view that refers to table  tbl_Job and has left outer

    Join to tbl_Employee  to get name of user from their ID.


    In tbl_Job there are 7 different Ids used and for each

    one I need name from  Employee table.


    I am using View with something like this


    Create View vw_Job




    e1.User_Name AS  InitiedBy, e21.User_Name AS  WrittenBy,

    e3.User_Name AS  CheckedBy, e4.User_Name AS  VerifiedBy,

    e5.User_Name AS  PresentedBy, e6.User_Name AS  ApprovedBy,

    e7.User_Name AS  RemovedBy

    From .Tbl_Job j LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.Tbl_Employees e1 ON j.InitiatedBy_ID = e1.Emp_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.Tbl_Employees e2 ON j.WrittenBy_ID = e2. Emp_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.Tbl_Employees e3 ON j.CheckedBy_ID = e3. Emp_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.Tbl_Employees e4 ON j.Verifiedby_ID = e4. Emp_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.Tbl_Employees e5 ON j.PresentedBy_ID = e5. Emp_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.Tbl_Employees e6 ON j.ApprovedBy_ID = e6. Emp_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.Tbl_Employees e7 ON j.RemovedBy_ID = e7. Emp_ID



    Recently we are tuning all Views and tried to replace this 7 joins to tbl_employees

    By UDF like this ,



    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.EmployeeName

    (@ID as smallint)

    RETURNS varchar(50)



          DECLARE @UserName as varchar(50)


                SELECT @UserName = user_name

                FROM Tbl_Employees

                WITH (NOLOCK)

                WHERE Emp_id = @ID

                RETURN @UserName



    Now Created new View replacing join and instead using UDF to get name.


    Something like


    Create View vw_Job_Udf




    dbo.EmployeeName(InitiatedBy_ID)AS InitiatedBy,

    dbo.EmployeeName(WrittenBy_ID)AS WrittenBy,

    dbo.EmployeeName(CheckedBy_ID)AS CheckedBy,

    dbo.EmployeeName(VerifiedBy_ID)AS VerifiedBy,

    dbo.EmployeeName(PresentedBy_ID)AS PresentedBy,

    dbo.EmployeeName(ApprovedBy_ID)AS ApprovedBy,

    dbo.EmployeeName(RemovedBy_ID)AS RemovedBy,

    From tbl_Job



    When I run both this view with execution plan to compare the performance

    View with UDF out runs the previous version which was very much expected.

    When there is no condition specified.


    Problem comes when I specify the condition like


    Where InitiatedBy = ‘ABCD’


    Which is the requirement,

    Then the version with Join is far ahead in time it takes compared to one with UDF.


    That is for pulling 10,000  + rows  Join version takes 10-15 sec and UDF takes always more than 60 sec. [80-120 Sec]


    Can anyone shed light on this behavior, 7 join of same table is bad but UDF solution turned out to be worst.


    I will highly appreciate ideas from all of you here.


    Thanks in advance. 

    Kindest Regards,

    Sameer Raval [Sql Server DBA]
    Geico Insurance

  • First off you should be able to simplfy your function like so.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.EmployeeName (@ID as smallint)

    RETURNS varchar(50)



        RETURN (SELECT [user_name]

        FROM Tbl_Employees

        WITH (NOLOCK)

        WHERE Emp_id = @ID)


    Now as for the reason, you are assuming the query is still the same to the original, ergo it should perform exactly the same in comparison.

    However run with the execution plan option turned on and you should see the difference.

    What I believe you will find is this.

    With the Function in place the dataset has to first be completely created and then filtered for your condition against the view.

    Without the function and using the left joins the query most likely is seeing it can filter against the related table during the join (which will then be treated like an inner join by the query engine) and thus only the rows where a match to that table require being completed to the dataset because the condition was filtered against that join earlier in the process.

    The query engine cannot use the function to look ahead ny in it's plan to determine that there is a better time to filter than after all the joins have occurred whereas without the function the query engine can.

  • Thank you Antares,

    Here is some more detail after executing

     Vw with one condition. It took more than 2 min. in comparision to join with 15 sec.


    execution plan output from Select Vw using udf


    Clusterd Index Scan tbl_job cost 99 %

    Row Count   250003

    Row Size 850

    I0 12.0

    cpu .28


    2 :

     Filter    Cost 1 %

    Row Count   12225

    Row Size 850



    Compute Scalar 0 %

    Row Count   12025

    Row Size 225



     Select 0 %


    P.S. Your line of thinking looks right here.


    With the Function in place the data

    set has to first be completely created and then filtered for your condition against the view.

    thanks once again,


    Kindest Regards,

    Sameer Raval [Sql Server DBA]
    Geico Insurance

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