User Migration

  • hi

    i am going to apply log shipping on my live database server

    for that purpose i have done stand by server and install sql server 2000

    take a backup from production and restored to stand by server


    I am unable to use database/NT user on stand by server

    i just wana script to migrate DB/NT users from production to stand by server.

    Your help will highly be appriciated.


    Syed Naveed

  • If you want to script out users from production database to your stand by database hope this script of mine can help you. Just run this script to your production database then copy the result and execute in your standby database... Please read the comments carefully thanks!!!!!

    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

  • thank you so much my dear its really great script

    i havn't words for you

    Best take care of your self


    Syed Muhammad Naveed

  • Thanks for the compliment 🙂

    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

  • Although I see nothing wrong with the script, there is a perferred method.

    So I suggest that you use the method recommended by MS which is to use the sp_help_revlogin procedure.

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