Upgrading to SQL Server 2008

  • We are in the process of getting ready to upgrade out SQL Server system to 2008 from 2005.

    We are building a new server that will have the 2008 on it and going to move the data from our old 2005 system to the new one.

    Can we copy 2005 databases to a 2008 system or do we need to copy the 2005 databases first to the new system, then upgrade everything together to 2008. We are needing to keep the old system online until the new system is upgraded.

    Any suggesstions would be appreciated.



  • You cannot for system databases but you can for user databases, by either backup\restore or detach\attach. Backup\restore preferred as backout is easier just in case.

    So get everything at instance level (i.e. whats in master and msdb) done up front, then you can copy over user databases when you cut over.


  • Thanks, that answers my question.

  • and dont forget to copy the users bevor you copy the database because of orphaned users in the userdatabase.

  • hello,

    We are cuurently having a sql 2005 ent edition on out prod servers and are planning to upgrade to sql 2008 STD edition.I understand that you need a ent edtion to upgrade to a ent edtion of 2008 for a in-place upgrade.

    I am considering taking backups of all dbs,jobs,ssis etc,uninstalling sql 2005 and then do a clean install of sql 2008.Is this a good way of approaching things or shall i go for a side by side upgrade wherein i create a new instance of sql 2008 on the same machine.

    i however do not want to have a prod server called myprod\instancename ,hence i considering a uninstall of sql 2005.


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