Updating data

  • Hi All!

    I am new to SSIS. Could someone suggest me the SSIS analog of DD_UPDATE that we use in Informatica.

  • Can you expand on what DD_UPDATE is? I have a vague recollection of it from my INFA days of 2 and a half years ago...but can't properly remember.



  • There is a transformation in Informatica named Update Strategy. It has three distinct options to deal with the incoming records based on some user defined conditions. The three options are:

    1. DD_INSERT: It inserts the incoming records in to the destination table as new records if the condition is satisfied
    2. DD_REJECT: It rejects the records if the condition is not satisfied
    3. DD_UPDATE: It updates the records in the destination table with the incoming records if the condition is satisfied.

    I am aiming to update or insert new records into the destination table based on whether the incoming records are new records or updated records. SSIS provides the option of using the SCD transformation to attain it. But I am interested in achieving it through other transformations.


  • AHA. Yes, it all comes flooding back now.

    Here is how you deal with this in SSIS: http://www.sqlis.com/default.aspx?311 There are 2 methods here - I recommend you use method 2.

    Its a bit different to how you do it using the "Update Strategy" transform so try not to look at the SSIS method with your "Informatica head" on ...if you know what I mean.

    Hope that helps.



  • Hi Jamie!!

    Thanx a ton.....

    I had tried the second method earlier but was somehow not convinced of its elegance. The first method suggested in the link sent by you was just what I was looking for.






  • Hey Jamie!!

    I guess my response was a bit premature  coz the issues haven't settled in totto. The suggested method indeed does help in inserting new data. However the issue of updating the data already present in the destination table still stands unresolved. I would appreciate if you could help me in this regard




  • The OLE DB Command transform is used to do UPDATEs from the pipeline.

    Unfortunately it suffers from a problem that I am told INFA has as well, UPDATEs are issued a row at a time so on a large dataset this can be very unperformant. In this case, load the data into an interim table and issue a set based UPDATE using Execute SQL Task. Ashvini Sharma has blogged about this issue.



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