Updating a Cursor in Memory

  • Hello Friends...

    Sorry for this question but... I do not have alternative.

    I have a Table...  [AnyTable]

    I need all the data of this table to work during all the store procedure.

    --Then I do this:

     DECLARE CUR_Trn_to_Upd_Status CURSOR


     SELECT * FROM [AnyTable] where IDC = 878

    At the Inictial place of the Procedure I need to obtain the value of 2 fields from this cursor.

     --Open the Cursor Generated

     OPEN CUR_Trn_to_Upd_Status

     --Obtains all the Necesary Variables to Work With

     FETCH NEXT FROM CUR_Trn_to_Upd_Status

     INTO @V_cStatus, @V_dStatus

    This is one error because the table have more than this 2 fields.

    --Like this cCarId, cCarOfId, cCarCons, cPS, cReceno, cStatus, dStatus

    --There is any way of obtain just the 2 values? @V_cStatus, @V_dStatus?

    --But having avaliable the others fields for futures Asignations?

    With Out make one insert into for all the fields.

    Somethis like that.

     FETCH NEXT FROM CUR_Trn_to_Upd_Status

     INTO @V_cCarId, @V_cCarOfId, @V_cCarCons, @V_cPS, @V_cReceno, @V_cStatus, @V_dStatus

  • Why not just change your statement

     SELECT * FROM [AnyTable] where IDC = 878


     SELECT column1, Column2 FROM [AnyTable] where IDC = 878


    And, dude - don't used cursors they suck for performance.

    DBA with an attitude

  • Becasue I need to use the where is diferent but always I need to get the sama records.


    Also I need Update teh cursor base on the cursor.

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