UPDATE statement help

  • Just thought I'd toss in a CLUSTERED INDEX on the data, and see what the following looked like on execution plan:

    --===== If it exists, drop the test table to make reruns easier in SSMS.

    -- This is NOT a part of the solution.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TestTable','U') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #TestTable;


    --===== Create the test table. This is NOT a part of the solution.

    -- We're just creating test data here.

    SELECT td.*

    INTO #TestTable

    FROM (

    SELECT '3/31/2015',1,'Demo' UNION ALL

    SELECT '4/30/2015',1,'Demo' UNION ALL

    SELECT '5/31/2015',1,'New' UNION ALL

    SELECT '3/31/2015',2,'Wrong' UNION ALL

    SELECT '4/30/2015',2,'Wrong' UNION ALL

    SELECT '5/31/2015',2,'Correct'

    ) AS td (asOfDate, identifier, class4);

    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_TestTable_identifier_asOfDate ON #TestTable


    identifier ASC,

    asOfDate DESC


    --===== Show the "BEFORE" content of the table.

    SELECT *

    FROM #TestTable;



    SELECT TT.identifier, MAX(TT.asOfDate) AS MAX_DATE

    FROM #TestTable AS TT

    GROUP BY TT.identifier



    SET T.class4 = T2.class4

    FROM #TestTable AS T


    ON T.identifier = MV.identifier

    INNER JOIN #TestTable AS T2

    ON MV.MAX_DATE = T2.asOfDate

    AND MV.identifier = T2.identifier

    WHERE T.asOfDate <> T2.asOfDate;

    --===== Show the "AFTER" content of the table.

    SELECT *

    FROM #TestTable;

    I get 2 clustered index seeks, a clustered index scan, a stream aggregate, two nested loops, a top, an eager spool (Table Spool), and a clustered index update on just the 4 rows that need it. As I don't have a 2012 instance to test with, I couldn't use anything but 2008 R2 code. Let me know how well that compares.... I'll look at it as a learning exercise.

  • Gotta stick my 2 cents in - how about this?

    update #testTable set class4 = d.class4 from

    #testTable a inner join

    ( select identifier,class4 from

    (select identifier,max(asofDate) asOfDate from #testTable group by identifier ) b

    outer apply (select class4 from #TestTable c where c.identifier = b.identifier and c.asOfDate = b.asofdate) c) d on d.identifier = a.identifier

    select * from #testtable

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