UPDATE: i want to Put a Validity-Check so that Multiple update doesn''t Occur

  • Hi friends ! HI Sushila, thanx for ur Help !!

    The Update command that i am using in following StoredProcedure below WORKS fine ; Data gets updated properly BUT every next time the Same storedproc Executes [even if by Mistake] for the same parameters; Then I cant Stop the Multiple-Update from Occuring;Note that There are Multiple Instance of the Update-command BUT all of 'em r having Similar Logic.

    Note that There are Multiple Instance of the Update-command BUT all of 'em r having Similar Logic.I Ultimately want to Prevent each of these Update-Actions from Running MORE than Once [the very First Time].

    Currently I am using of Temporary variables in the Procedure BUT so far i haven't been Able to CRACK it ...........

    So Can any1 here [Sushila] Pls. Tell me how to Provide a Check to Prevent Multiple Run of the Update Commands.

    -- sp_AptitudeReport 2,1,8,'A',36


    ALTER PROCEDURE sp_AptitudeReport 

     @iYear int,  

     @iSchoolCode int, 

     @iClass int, 

     @strDivision char(1), 

     @StdRollNo int 



    Set Nocount on   


    Declare @eCount as int 

    Declare @mCount as int 

    Declare @sCount as int 

    Declare @compCount as int 

    SET @eCount=0

    SET @mCount=0

    SET @sCount=0

    SET @compCount=0

    Insert Into Temp_Aptitude_Result(StudentNo,StudentRollNo,Class,Division,AcademicYearCode) 

     Select A.Student_No,A.Student_RollNo,A.Student_Class,A.Student_Division,A.AcademicYear_Code 

     From trn_studentclass A  

     --inner JOIN mst_student B ON A.Student_No=B.Student_No 

     --inner JOIN mst_house C ON B.Student_House=C.House_Code 

     --inner JOIN mst_school D ON A.School_Code=D.School_Code 

     --inner JOIN trn_Progress_Card_Data E On A.Student_No=E.Student_No 

     Where  A.School_Code  =@iSchoolCode  

       And A.AcademicYear_Code=@iYear  

        And A.Student_Class  =@iClass  

        And A.Student_Division =@strDivision  

         And A.Student_RollNo =@StdRollNo



    UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result   

    SET EnglishMarks =(SELECT TTMarksObtained from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='English' and Term_Type=2

    AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo AND Ctr =@eCount),

    TermType=2,SubjectName='English'                                  --,Class=8,Division='A'

    SET @eCount = (

    SELECT Ctr from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='English' and Term_Type=2

    AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo )




    UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result   

    SET MathsMarks =(SELECT TTMarksObtained from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='Mathematics' and Term_Type=2

    AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo AND Ctr =@mCount),

    TermType=2,SubjectName='Mathematics' --,Class=8,Division='A'

    SET @mCount = (

    SELECT Ctr from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='Mathematics' and Term_Type=2

    AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo )




    UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result   

    SET ScienceMarks =(SELECT TTMarksObtained from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='Science' and Term_Type=2

    AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo AND Ctr =@sCount),

    TermType=2,SubjectName='Science' --,Class=8,Division='A'

    SET @sCount = (

    SELECT Ctr from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='Science' and Term_Type=2

    AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo )




    UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result   

    SET ComputerMarks =(SELECT TTMarksObtained from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='Computers' and Term_Type=2

    AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo AND Ctr =@compCount),

    TermType=2,SubjectName='Computers' --,Class=8,Division='A'

    SET @compCount = (

    SELECT Ctr from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='Computers' and Term_Type=2

    AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo )


    -- SELECT * FROM trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='computers' AND Student_Std=8 AND Student_Division='A' AND Term_Type=2

    SELECT StudentRollNo,EnglishMarks,MathsMarks,ScienceMarks,ComputerMarks FROM Temp_Aptitude_Result WHERE TermType=2 AND Class=@iClass AND ivision=@strDivision">Division=@strDivision AND StudentRollNo=@StdRollNo --WHERE TermType=2 

    Set Nocount Off 



    Thanx & Regards,

    Iyer Sankara S H [Kartik]

    Software Engineer,

    ParaMatrix Technologies,

    client: Kotak Securities,


    Thanx & Regards,

    Iyer Sankara S H [Kartik]

    ASE ,
    Tata Consultancy Services

  • Hey SQL ppl !

    Now i am using the Following StoredProc-Code ; Can any1 Suggest a Better/Compact method of Doing the Above Task ...

    [ TASK =  The Update command that i am using in following StoredProcedure below WORKS fine ; Data gets updated properly BUT every next time the Same storedproc Executes [even if by Mistake] for the same parameters; Then I cant Stop the Multiple-Update from Occuring;

    Note that There are Multiple Instance of the Update-command BUT all of 'em r having Similar Logic.

    Currently I am using of Temporary variables in the Procedure BUT so far i haven't been Able to CRACK it ........... 

    Pls. Tell me how to Provide a Check to Prevent Multiple Run of the Update Commands. 

    PLEASE NOTE that  :-

    The Update command that i am using in following StoredProcedure below WORKS fine ; Data gets updated properly BUT every next time the Same storedproc Executes [even if by Mistake] for the same parameters; Then I cant Stop the Multiple-Update from Occuring;Note that There are Multiple Instance of the Update-command BUT all of 'em r having Similar Logic.

    Note that There are Multiple Instance of the Update-command BUT all of 'em r having Similar Logic.I Ultimately want to Prevent each of these Update-Actions from Running MORE than Once [the very First Time].


    c o d e :-

    ALTER PROCEDURE sp_AptitudeReport 

     @iYear int,  

     @iSchoolCode int, 

     @iClass int, 

     @strDivision char(1), 

     @StdRollNo int 

    -- Must Include another Param FOR Marks of the Aptitude Test ...



    Set Nocount on   


    Declare @eCount as int 

    Declare @mCount as int 

    Declare @sCount as int 

    Declare @compCount as int

    Insert Into Temp_Aptitude_Result(StudentNo,StudentRollNo,Class,Division,AcademicYearCode,TermType,SubjectName) 

    Select A.Student_No,A.Student_RollNo,A.Student_Class,A.Student_Division,A.AcademicYear_Code,E.Term_Type,E.Subject_Name 

    From trn_studentclass A  

    inner JOIN trn_Progress_Card_Data E On A.Student_No=E.Student_No 

    -- @@Identity

    Where  A.School_Code  =@iSchoolCode  

       And A.AcademicYear_Code=@iYear  

        And A.Student_Class  =@iClass  

        And A.Student_Division =@strDivision  

         And A.Student_RollNo =@StdRollNo

    SET @eCount= (SELECT eCount from Temp_Aptitude_Result WHERE SubjectName='English' and TermType=2

      AND Class=@iClass AND <A href="mailtoivision=@strDivision">Division=@strDivision AND StudentRollNo=@StdRollNo)

    While (@eCount=1)


     UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result   

     SET EnglishMarks =(SELECT TTMarksObtained from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='English' and Term_Type=2

     AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo),

     TermType=2,SubjectName='English'                                  --,Class=8,Division='A'


     UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result   

     SET eCount = 0


    SET @mCount= (SELECT mCount from Temp_Aptitude_Result WHERE SubjectName='Mathematics' and TermType=2

      AND Class=@iClass AND <A href="mailtoivision=@strDivision">Division=@strDivision AND StudentRollNo=@StdRollNo)

    While (@mCount=1)


     UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result   

     SET MathsMarks =(SELECT TTMarksObtained from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='Mathematics' and Term_Type=2

     AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo),

     TermType=2,SubjectName='Mathematics' --,Class=8,Division='A'

     UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result     

     SET mCount = 0


    SET @sCount= (SELECT sCount from Temp_Aptitude_Result WHERE SubjectName='Science' and TermType=2

      AND Class=@iClass AND <A href="mailtoivision=@strDivision">Division=@strDivision AND StudentRollNo=@StdRollNo)

    While (@sCount=1)


     UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result   

     SET ScienceMarks =(SELECT TTMarksObtained from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='Science' and Term_Type=2

     AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo),

     TermType=2,SubjectName='Science' --,Class=8,Division='A'

     UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result     

     SET sCount = 0


    SET @compCount= (SELECT compCount from Temp_Aptitude_Result WHERE SubjectName='Computers' and TermType=2

      AND Class=@iClass AND <A href="mailtoivision=@strDivision">Division=@strDivision AND StudentRollNo=@StdRollNo)

    While (@compCount=1)


     UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result   

     SET ComputerMarks =(SELECT TTMarksObtained from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='Computers' and Term_Type=2

     AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo),

     TermType=2,SubjectName='Computers' --,Class=8,Division='A'

     UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result     

     SET compCount = 0


    -- SELECT * FROM trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='computers' AND Student_Std=8 AND Student_Division='A' AND Term_Type=2

    SELECT StudentRollNo,EnglishMarks,MathsMarks,ScienceMarks,ComputerMarks FROM Temp_Aptitude_Result --WHERE TermType=2 AND Class=@iClass AND <A href="mailtoivision=@strDivision">Division=@strDivision AND StudentRollNo=@StdRollNo  --WHERE TermType=2 

    Set Nocount Off 


    Thanx & Regards,

    Iyer Sankara S H [Kartik]

    ASE ,
    Tata Consultancy Services

  • This is Latest StoredProc after I made it a little more Compact BUT the problem/Task remains !!!

    I want to Prevent Update command from executing Multiple times .....

    -- SELECT * FROM MST_SUBJECT where Subject_Name LIKE 'computers' 

    --select * from trn_progress_card_data ORDER BY Ctr where student_std = 8 and subject_name='English' and student_division='A' 

    -- sp_AptitudeReport 1,1,8,'A',5


    ALTER PROCEDURE sp_AptitudeReport 

     @iYear int,  

     @iSchoolCode int, 

     @iClass int, 

     @strDivision char(1), 

     @StdRollNo int 

    -- Must Include another Param FOR Marks of the Aptitude Test ...



    Set Nocount on   


    Declare @eCount as int 

    Declare @mCount as int 

    Declare @sCount as int 

    Declare @compCount as int

    Insert Into Temp_Aptitude_Result(StudentNo,StudentRollNo,Class,Division,AcademicYearCode,TermType,SubjectName) 

    Select A.Student_No,A.Student_RollNo,A.Student_Class,A.Student_Division,A.AcademicYear_Code,E.Term_Type,E.Subject_Name 

    From trn_studentclass A  

    inner JOIN trn_Progress_Card_Data E On A.Student_No=E.Student_No 

    Where  A.School_Code  =@iSchoolCode  

       And A.AcademicYear_Code=@iYear  

        And A.Student_Class  =@iClass  

        And A.Student_Division =@strDivision  

         And A.Student_RollNo =@StdRollNo

    SET @eCount= (SELECT eCount from Temp_Aptitude_Result WHERE SubjectName='English' and TermType=2

      AND Class=@iClass AND <A href="mailtoivision=@strDivision">Division=@strDivision AND StudentRollNo=@StdRollNo)

    While (@eCount=1)


     UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result   

     SET EnglishMarks =(SELECT TTMarksObtained from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='English' and Term_Type=2

     AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo),

     TermType=2,SubjectName='English', eCount = 0

     UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result   

     SET MathsMarks =(SELECT TTMarksObtained from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='Mathematics' and Term_Type=2

     AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo),

     TermType=2,SubjectName='Mathematics' , mCount = 0

     UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result   

     SET ScienceMarks =(SELECT TTMarksObtained from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='Science' and Term_Type=2

     AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo),

     TermType=2,SubjectName='Science' , sCount = 0

     UPDATE Temp_Aptitude_Result   

     SET ComputerMarks =(SELECT TTMarksObtained from trn_Progress_Card_Data WHERE Subject_Name='Computers' and Term_Type=2

     AND Student_Std=@iClass AND Student_Division=@strDivision AND Student_RollNo=@StdRollNo),

     TermType=2,SubjectName='Computers' , compCount = 0


    --SET @mCount= (SELECT mCount from Temp_Aptitude_Result WHERE SubjectName='Mathematics' and TermType=2

     -- AND Class=@iClass AND <A href="mailtoivision=@strDivision">Division=@strDivision AND StudentRollNo=@StdRollNo)

    --SET @sCount= (SELECT sCount from Temp_Aptitude_Result WHERE SubjectName='Science' and TermType=2

     -- AND Class=@iClass AND <A href="mailtoivision=@strDivision">Division=@strDivision AND StudentRollNo=@StdRollNo)

    --SET @compCount= (SELECT compCount from Temp_Aptitude_Result WHERE SubjectName='Computers' and TermType=2

     -- AND Class=@iClass AND <A href="mailtoivision=@strDivision">Division=@strDivision AND StudentRollNo=@StdRollNo)

    SELECT StudentRollNo,EnglishMarks,MathsMarks,ScienceMarks,ComputerMarks FROM Temp_Aptitude_Result WHERE TermType=2 AND Class=@iClass AND <A href="mailtoivision=@strDivision">Division=@strDivision AND StudentRollNo=@StdRollNo  --WHERE TermType=2 

    Set Nocount Off 



    Thanx & Regards,

    Iyer Sankara S H [Kartik]

    ASE ,
    Tata Consultancy Services

  • after each update statement, check the @@ROWCOUNT value...it tells you the number of rows affected by the previous transaction.

    with that value, you can logically decide what to do next...wheter it is continue or rollback a transaction.


    use northwind

    begin tran

    select * from employees

    update Employees set lastname='whatever'

    if @@rowcount > 1 --this will return 9 rows affected


        RAISERROR ('Oops affected more than one row.', 16, 1)

        select * from employees

        rollback tran

        select * from employees




    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • @ Lowell : Thanx for ur Help !!!

    Thanx & Regards,

    Iyer Sankara S H [Kartik]

    ASE ,
    Tata Consultancy Services

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