Unscheduled Backups on SQL Server Logs

  • It seems that randomly on a daily basis all of the dbs on our server are being backup (at least that's what the SQL Server Log view through Enterprise mgr shows).  It backs up everything from the master to Northwind and pubs and it's not being done manually or through a scheduled job.  Any one know why this happens?



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  • There must be some sort of job or process that is running. Or someone is manually executing the jobs. You could run profiler and trap just those backup events. That might help you narrow down where it's coming from.

  • I ran into this once. In doing some research when our server group installed our server backup software (TSM/Tivoli) they activated the SQL Server backup plugin so it was backing up the SQL Server dbs without me knowing about it.

  • We do have backup software that runs for the server, but these backups are occuring at other times so that doesn't seem to be the issue.  I will check profiler to see if I can trap that process.

    I was thinking this morning as I checked the space allotted for the data and log file on this db, when the files reach their limits and sql expands the size of the file by the defined ratio set forth in the properties (for either the data or log file), does the server do a backup before that process?  Just a thought.

  • No, SQL doesn't do a backup prior to expanding a file, although if that is the pattern you are seeing it is possible that someone created a process of some sort to do that, maybe by using the Alert system...


    If most people are not willing to see the difficulty, this is mainly because, consciously or unconsciously, they assume that it will be they who will settle these questions for the others, and because they are convinced of their own capacity to do this. -Friedrich August von Hayek


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