Underqualified for a Job - Apply anyway ?

  • I just saw a listing for a DBA job, and I think I have the technical skill & experience for 85-90% of it, but the way it's worded and some of the requirements make it sound as if they're looking for someone a bit stronger (and more formal) in some areas, including lead work, reporting and non SQL applications.

    I could:

    - just delete it

    - Apply directly, let them know where I'm at & see what happens

    - Go through a recruiter to get a feel for things and what they're really looking for

    - other ?

  • I'd apply directly if you have that option. That way, you don't have to undergo screening by a recruiter who may not understand the technical specifications of the position. If you're 85% qualified for what they asked for, you may well be the best candidate - many advertisements are very overspecified!


  • most of the descriptions are written by HR and is standard boiler plate. apply for almost everything you think you are qualified for

  • Go for it, @ 85% you're definitely in the top 1/5 of all applicants ;-).

  • In the scheme of things you can learn the other 15%, when you are hired.

    Research that 15% and have an out to saying, oh, this is what I have read about this topic and the way I would solve it is this way, being willing to learn about it.

    I say go for it, because recruiters do it to me, send me jobs that I don't have everything matched.

    Also the list they are asking for is their dream candidate, if they find that dream candidate then they will hire that person.

    85% match is actually really good, you have a good chance. 😎

  • Thanks everyone. I sent in an application earlier today.

  • If you feel you meet 85-90% of qualifications on the job ad, you should apply. All, if not most, employers inflate job requirements. However, technical skill is only one side of the coin. What is equally, if not more, important is people skill qualification.

  • I have to agree, and I am glad to see you to plunge and applied. Good Luck!

  • All the can do is say no!

    Ed Watson aka SQLGator
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

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