Unable to deploy SSAS project

  • I took the sql server 2008 SSAS training class (6234) and I got the same lab course files on a CD and installed it on my labtop. When creating a new SSAS project from scratch then the project deploys with out any issues.

    However, when working on SSAS projects that were previously created that askes to make changes and re-deploy, it then fails to find the existing cube, dimension, and measures in the same location as the project file. It seems to be using the original server location path that was used when the project was first created. How do I make the change so that it will recognize the new path location.

    Here are some of the errors I got:

    Error 1 Dimension [Employee] : The 'Source' property references unknown 'Data Source View' with ID='Adventure Works DW'. 0 0

    Error 12 CubeDimension [Adventure Works].[Internet Sales] : The reference to Dimension is not valid: 'DimensionID' = 'Fact Internet Sales'. 0 0

    Error 15 DegenerateMeasureGroupDimension [Adventure Works].[Reseller Sales].[Reseller Sales] : Granularity is not defined. 0 0

    Error 16 RegularMeasureGroupDimension [Adventure Works].[Reseller Sales].[Currency] : Granularity is not defined. 0 0

    Error 17 MeasureGroupAttribute [Adventure Works].[Reseller Sales].[Product Subcategory].[Product Subcategory Key] : The reference to Attribute is not valid: 'AttributeID' = 'Product Subcategory Key'. 0 0

  • I'm experiencing exactly the same problem.

    On a course right now, and on my day of I tried to make it work on my laptop.

    Did you get it sorted?

    Any one else?


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