UDF Craziness - Help

  • Maybe I don't know enough about the inner workings of SQL Server, but if anyone could shed some light on this, it would be much appreciated. Consider the following queries.


    declare @txt_string varchar(255)

    select @txt_string = dbo.ManipulateText('Some Text')

    select * from table1 where descr_field = @txt_string


    select * from table1 where descr_field = dbo.ManipulateText('Some Text')

    Obviously, in the first query, the UDF is only evaluated once and the query is very quick. But in the second query, it appears that SQL Server evaluates the function for every row in table1. So depending on how many rows are in the table and how complex the function is, the difference in time ranges from seconds to hours. Is this normal behavior for SQL Server? Is there anything I can do to tell SQL Server to evaluate the function in the second query only once?

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Looks interesting.

    Did you try

    select * from table1 where descr_field IN ( dbo.ManipulateText('Some Text') )

  • rajeshpatavardhan:

    Thanks for the input. I just tried the query with the IN clause but the results are the same.

  • Have you check the execution plan. My guess is that with Q2 it is not using an index. The same behavior can be found when the R value of an = is any kind of a function

    Example: a.Key = Right(SomeValue,10) will cause a table scan in most cases.

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