Two Identical VMs, When testing processing speed one is significantly slower than other? Advice

  • Hello All

    I have created two VMs, with exact cloned setup.

    I am running a simple connection test where from a .NET application

    I connect to the instance

    declare a variable


    and report how long this took.

    With VM1 this test takes 2ms

    With VM2 this test takes 8ms

    Everything, and I mean everything about these VMs is identical.

    Can someone explain what troubleshooting can be done to determine the reason for the difference.

    Same results are replicated locally (so not a network issue as it would use shared memory)

    What goes on within sql server from listening for the connection, processing the variable declaration that can cause such a significant difference.

    Thanks for your help in advance

  • Hi

    You can catch the execution plans for the query on both servers and comparing them you'd probably come up to the reason why their duration differ.

    You'd better clean the cache (dbcc freeproccache, dbcc dropcleanbuffers, dbcc freesessioncache) before performing the test.



    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • I cleared the cache and same results as before

    I don't think an execution plan is generated as I only declare a variable

  • Ok. I thought you use another query.

    Then, are the settings (ANSI_NULLS, QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, ...) for your connection (OLE DB, ODBC) identical with the settings on both servers?



    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • Yes exactly the same unfortunately.

    Anything you can think of would be OK i just need some ideas of what to check

  • One thing i have noticed is when using Performance Monitor to monitor


    On the Box VM1 that performs with only 1ms latency this counter is static and doesn't change

    On the Box VM2 that performs with higher latency 8ms this counter has huge spikes when i run my test.

    What could explain that?

  • Can also see a CPU spike that isn't present on the identical other VM

  • How are you connecting? Windows auth or sql auth?

    Are both VMs talking to the same domain controller?

  • Is it possible that the instance on VM2 has some kind of log on monitoring (triggers) or tracing (to a table) enabled?

  • windows auth and sql auth produce the same results

    Yes i will try and look for a trigger etc that

    thanks for the suggestions i will post a solution if i find one

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