TSQL - SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) error

  • Hi All,

    We are working on few projects to migrate Sybase ASE DB schema to MSSQL 2014 using SSMA and while conversion below errors were noticed.
    I don't see any issues while executing the scripts and SP's from Sybase.

    1.    @@TRANSTATE - global variable cannot be converted.
    2.    compare(VARCHAR, VARCHAR) - Not able to convert the identifier.
    3.    'get_appcontext(VARCHAR, VARCHAR)' identifier was not converted.
    4.    Select statement with unresolved identifiers and GROUP BY cannot be converted ( example get_pledged_collateral_shorts – Line 114 ).

    We are thinking to write our own TSQL to fix fix this. However, in-build conversions should be helpful.
    Is it possible to convert above into SQL 2014?

    Thanks in advance!


  • Insufficient detail.   Please be a lot more detailed in your description of EXACTLY what you are trying to do.   You can't just assume that everyone here knows what you are trying to do.   Be anally detailed.  Don't leave anything out.

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