TSQL Functions

  • Please excuse my terminology... but happy it seemed to make sense

  • I have ran the original code and it does differ to the count I get using my own code.  I have checked and it seems to exclude NULLS.


  • NP... that concept is hard to grasp.

  • I have to work with PostCodes regularly. We have a problem where users input incomplete postcodes as well as incorrectly formatted postcodes.

    I have created the following view which looks at the postcodes and stips out just the postcode region. Makes allowances for london postcodes which differ from the rest of the country. If the postcode does not conform to Royalmail standards then returns PostCodeError


    A bit messy but it works


    CREATE VIEW dbo.Conn_Clients_PostCode_Region


    SELECT     Client_Ref, Post_Code,


     PostCodeRegion= CASE

    -- Test for null or Blank!

    When Post_Code is null then 'PostCodeError'--'Post_Code_Error Null'

    When Post_Code ='' then 'PostCodeError'--'Post_Code_Error Blank'

    -- illegal char

    when  (Post_Code LIKE '%[`!"£$%^&*()_+#''*?_;,./]%' ) then  'PostCodeError'--'Post_Code Illeagal Char'

    -- starts with number

    when  substring(ltrim(Post_Code),1,1) not LIKE '[a-z]' then  'PostCodeError'--'Post_Code Illeagal first Char'

    -- Second char can't be 0 with number

    when  substring(ltrim(Post_Code),2,1) = '0' then  'PostCodeError'--'Post_Code Illeagal second Char'



    -- No Space, Just first Part

      (SELECT     CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code)) ) = 0  and (len(ltrim(Post_Code))) < 5 THEN

      -- Test for London!, Last Char would be letter if so get chars before last letter'


       -- Not letter

       When isnumeric(SUBSTRING ( ltrim(Post_Code) , Len(ltrim(Post_Code)) , 1 )) = 1 then ltrim(Post_Code)

       -- Is Letter

       When isnumeric(SUBSTRING ( ltrim(Post_Code) , Len(ltrim(Post_Code)) , 1 )) = 0 then

       -- But is second to last a number if not then error


        When isnumeric(SUBSTRING ( ltrim(Post_Code) , Len(ltrim(Post_Code))-1 , 1 )) = 1 then  


       SUBSTRING (ltrim(Post_Code) , 1 , Len(ltrim(Post_Code))-1 )

       Else 'PostCodeError'--'Post_Code_Error no number'




    -- No Space, Just first Part but longer than 4 char

      (SELECT     CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code)) ) = 0 and (len(ltrim(Post_Code))) > 4 THEN


    --Correctly formed 


      (SELECT     CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code)) ) > 0

     and (SELECT     CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code)) )< 6



      --LEFT(ltrim(Post_Code), (CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code)) - 1))

    -- Test for London!, Last Char would be letter if so get chars before last letter'


       -- Not letter

       When isnumeric(SUBSTRING ( ltrim(Post_Code) , (CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code))-1 ) , 1)) = 1 then

       SUBSTRING (ltrim(Post_Code) , 1 , (CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code))) )

       -- Is Letter

       When isnumeric(SUBSTRING ( ltrim(Post_Code) , (CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code))-1 ) , 1 )) = 0 then

        --SUBSTRING (ltrim(Post_Code) , 1 , (CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code))-2) )

       -- is char before letter a number


        When isnumeric(SUBSTRING ( ltrim(Post_Code) , (CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code))-2 ) , 1 )) = 0 then



        SUBSTRING (ltrim(Post_Code) , 1 , (CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code))-2) )




      (SELECT     CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(Post_Code)) ) > 4  THEN 'PostCodeError'--'Post_Code_Error no number'



    FROM        Clients


  • Thanks everyone for your help. Its much appreciated.



  • Try:

    Select Left(@Str,CharIndex(' ',@Str+' ')-1)

    I have CDO. It's like OCD but all the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.

  • Test Msg

  • Hi All,

    Kindly can you please suggest me for the following doubts.

    What's the future of SQL Server 2000 Administration & MCDBA.

    Does it required for students to upgrade their edition from SQL Server 2000

    to SQL Server 5000.

    Kindly advice me is it good to study or not...

    Thanks in advance

    Best Regards



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