trying to write to an excel file via ssis and it wount overwrite prev days info

  • I have a ssis package that i'm building. There is a portion that loads an excel file w/ data from a select i wrote.

    The issue is i can't get it to overwrite the previous days data in the excel. Is there a flag i'm missing or something?

    On a side note.

    I was a dts wiz and am finding that ssis is far less intuitive. IIt was a friggin nightmare to try and bring down an excel file to a db table. I had to use a "data conversion" dataflow transformation. Talk about making the simple very combersome and complex. Give me a break.

  • BaldingLoopMan (12/28/2009)

    I have a ssis package that i'm building. There is a portion that loads an excel file w/ data from a select i wrote.

    The issue is i can't get it to overwrite the previous days data in the excel. Is there a flag i'm missing or something?

    On a side note.

    I was a dts wiz and am finding that ssis is far less intuitive. IIt was a friggin nightmare to try and bring down an excel file to a db table. I had to use a "data conversion" dataflow transformation. Talk about making the simple very combersome and complex. Give me a break.

    There is no option to to select overwrite. I would recommend you setup a separate template Excel file and use this as a starting point for your result creation.

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

  • A possible alternative is to delete and recreate the sheet you are working with, using Execute SQL tasks against an Excel Connection Manager connection ...

    DROP TABLE 'sheetname'

    followed by

    CREATE TABLE 'sheetname' (ID Varchar(10), Description Varchar(100))

    --or whatever.

    The change from DTS to SSIS is a big one. If you expected just to be able to 'get on with it' after upgrading, I am not surprised that you are feeling a bit disheartened. But if you were to ask people who are well experienced with both, I'm pretty damn sure that SSIS would win hands-down. You just have to learn some new ways of doing things.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Please review the following discussion:

  • i went ahead and did the remove the xls tne overwrite it w template then write the data to the file shell game.

    Seems a bit much though just to overwrite data. I think i'm going to impliment it writting to a csv instead so i dont have to deal w/ the extra steps.

  • Much easier - I always choose CSV over Excel, given the option.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

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