Trusted Connection and ASP

  • Hi

    I have got a typical situation . My IIS is running on BDC say sqlserver2 while the data base in PDC sql server1. Both are NT boxes and SQL version is 2000. Sql uses windows authentication .Will it be possible for me to connect from an asp page on sqlserver2(BDC) to sqlserver1(PDC).I prefer WinNT challenge bar response site authentication



  • for using the trusted connection, just leave the user id and password from the connectionstring parameter (not even mentioning it). It will automatically uses trusted connection to connect to the sql server. make sure that both IIS and SQL Server are in the same domain and IIS user name (IUSR_) is authenticated in your sql server.

  • I agree .

    I have few doubts regarding this

    First of all if my domain is DOM1 then how shall I do this in sqlserver1 running in PDC ,

    sp_grantdbaccess ‘DOM1/iusr_sqlserver2’ will work .But in my case its not working and

    with sp_grantdbaccess ‘iusr_sqlserver2’ it fails to connect to db.

    One more ,

    If I am doing like this means I have to give other privileges (SELECT,…)also to iusr_sqlserver2 correct ?


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