Trouble Using Filter in a Group

  • Hi Everyone...was hoping someone could give me a hand with what I could be doing wrong here...

    I have a report that has 3 different groups in it, basically for subtotals. But, I only want to see the subtotals if Sum(FieldA) > 0, or Sum(FieldB) > 0, or Sum(FieldC) > 0.

    So in the Grouping and Sorting properties for the group, I set up my expressions:

    =Sum(Fields!FieldA.Value) > =0

    =Sum(Fields!FieldB.Value) > =0

    =Sum(Fields!FieldC.Value) > =0

    As I said, I want this to be an OR condition...but the And/Or column defaults to AND...and the box is greyed out so I can't change it to an OR.

    Am I doing something wrong or missing something here? Any ideas where to look?


  • you may wanna set the visibility of those group conditionally.

    right click group> edit group>visibility> write expression

    iff(sum (field.value)>0, true, false)

    & so on for respective groups..

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