Trouble installing SQL Server 2005 CTP 3

  • Receiving Error while trying to install CTP beta 3 or Express (same error): ... Setup has detected incompatible components from Visual Studio or SQL Server.  You must run the build cleanup wizard ...  Which I have done several times.  The wizard removes .NET framework 2.0 but the install readme for CTP or Express says that .NET is needed before installation.  What does that mean (catch22)?  Damn if you do and damnd if you don't.  In any case the cleanup wiz does not clean up enough apparently because the install still fails.  Not sure what else is blocking the installation.

    Also, on another note, my ODBC SQL Server driver is corrupt/missing and running cc_pkg.exe indicates a bad registry entry.  I tried running the latest MDAC 2.8 SP1 to reinstall it and it fails with This setup does not support installing on this OS.  The install instructions says it will work with WindowsXP.  I am running XP SP2 and can not get the driver reinstated.  Any ideas on this one?  Without the driver I can not get the default database to install if and when the install of CTP works.

    Thanks for any help.  More info can be provided.


    Jim Phillips
    SQL Server DBA

  • Try these links the first one is to clean out the failed install and the second is to download the June CTP.  Hope this helps.

    Kind regards,

    Gift Peddie

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • First, what version are you installing. Beta 3 is not an edition of SQL Server 2005. You should clean the system entirely. Then install SQL Server 2005 June CTP, including the necessary pre-requisites (.Net Framework 2.0 etc). When that is finished you install VS2005 Beta 2.

  • Hi,

    CTP version of SQL server 2005 will only install on server OS.

    Only the developer version can be install on desktop system like Win XP.

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