Tricky SQL

  • I hope I can explain this OK. I can give more details but I'll try to simplify it first.

    I've got a query which is returning more rows than I want. It also has a few outer joins in it. To break it down, where I'm getting 2 rows, I really only want one.










    So, I want my result to be something like




  • When you have difficulty with multiple outer joins, you can always embed and do a join with an intermediate result set:

    FROM tablea a

            JOIN lookuptablea la ON a.key = la.key

            LEFT OUTER JOIN (

                       SELECT ...

                         FROM tablea b

                                 JOIN lookuptablea lb ON lb.key = b.key

              ) w on w.key = a.key

    I find this the easiest to code, though in some circumstances it may not execute faster than another solution.

  • May not be the best solution.

    Create  table #TableA (Trailer_ID varchar(2), Qty int)

    INSERT INTO #TableA Values ('AA',5)

    INSERT INTO #TableA Values ('BB',4)

    INSERT INTO #TableA Values ('CC',6)

    Create  table #TableB (Trailer_ID varchar(2), pup_trailer_id varchar(2))

    INSERT INTO #TableB Values ('AA','BB')

    select a.Trailer_ID, b.pup_trailer_id, a.qty, c.qty

    FROM #TableA a

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #TableB b ON a.Trailer_ID = b.Trailer_ID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #TableA c ON b.pup_trailer_id = c.Trailer_ID

    WHERE a.Trailer_ID NOT IN (

    select  b.pup_trailer_id

    FROM #TableA a

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #TableB b ON a.Trailer_ID = b.Trailer_ID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #TableA c ON b.pup_trailer_id = c.Trailer_ID

    WHERE b.pup_trailer_id IS NOT NULL)

    DROP TABLE #TableA

    DROP TABLE #TableB

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