Transposing Rows to Columns Help plz!

  • is it possible to let us know the different course of action in case someone has a similar problem

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Bledu,

    the story goes like this. I i was requested to present the following report.

    Imagine that you have a table with users and their door entries / exits. I wanted to gather all their records in a single row, but only those records that one entry from the other differed by more than 5 seconds (which makes it even more compicated). This is because we have no door handles but we use cards to get in and out of the building. So if a food delivery comes, a guy (random guy, anyone that heard the knock) has to open the door and then close it again by his doorcard. But i do not want this entries, as in reality they are "junk" entries. But i want to know if a guy went out the building and stayed for more than 5 seconds, that is, went outside or to another floor within the building.

    Actually the method i used is EXACTLY the same as the one i presented to you in the previous posts. I still have not understand why the code i have posted does not work. BUT the exact same code, only MUCH MUCH MUCH complicated (that i had made in the past) DID (and still does) work. Although the code - structure is exactly the same!! So what i did is that i modified that code and it works. Really, my brain is a mess dont ask me why, the old code works and the new code does not! 🙂 I still haven't figured out why.

    If you are seriously in to this i can post the whole code, along with some data. And you can try to find out why.

    Let me know if you are interested..




    "If you want to get to the top, prepare to kiss alot of bottom"

  • i live for challenges, if its no big issue please post the code

    Everything you can imagine is real.

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