Transform Data Task not updating when Source/Destination connections databases are changed

  • Hi,

    We require to run a package against 3 different databases on the same server which we accomplish by changing the database in connection properties. We have two connections defined, one being a source and the other a destination. It's the destination connection which we manually change depending on which database we run it against. The source is always the same.

    We have a Transform Data Task where we use existing connections, source and destination. When we change the original destination connection database property, the Transform Data Task destination connection also changes. So far so good.

    However, when we look at the Transform Data Task itself, the source database.table/view is correct as the source connection hasn't changed, but the destination database.table/view is incorrect. The table/view is ok but the database hasn't changed to reflect the required destination database as determined by the destination connection.

    To get around this we not only change the destination connection, but we also have to change every Transform Data Task - Destination database.table/view.

    Has anyone had this problem before? Is this a bug? Anyone any ideas on how to update the destination connection and have it automatically reflected in the Transform Data Tasks.

  • Duh!

    Can everyone ignore this as I find the answer lies with Dynamic Properties Task. Thanks for looking.


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