Transfer USer

  • Hi all how can i trasnfer all the users from SQL 2000 to 2005?



  • Do you mean logins?  Users exist in databases and will be transferred when you move a database to another instance.  Moving logins between SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 instances is the same as moving them between two SQL 2000 instances.

    See and



  • I tried creating script on SQL 200 and then run on 2005 but it gives me error for

    Password validation failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is too short.

  • Is the SQL2005 instance on a different domain?  It sounds like the password validation rules are different than those of the domain where the SQL2000 instance resides.



  • In 2000 you could have a one letter word or even a blank password. In SQL 2005 i don't think you can.... if you want to transfer you will have to alter the passwords in 2000 to meet the requirements of 2005. This is the script I run to transfer logins...



    SELECT 'EXEC sp_addlogin @loginame = ''' + loginname + ''''

    ,', @defdb = ''' + dbname + ''''

    ,', @deflanguage = ''' + language + ''''

    ,', @encryptopt = ''skip_encryption'''

    ,', @passwd ='

    , cast(password AS varbinary(256))

    ,', @sid ='

    , sid

    FROM syslogins

    WHERE name NOT IN ('sa')

    AND isntname = 0

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