Transfer data to a different table layout

  • I have a table that collects data from machines and it's laid out like so (11 columns):

    ID#, OrderNumber, PartNumber, Date, MachineNumber, LargeBearingJournalRunout, Small BearingJournalRunout, BoreSize, BoreOvality, BorePerpBackface, RadialFlatnessBackface

    sample data:

    112345678944603604731/12/2011C935160   0.00360.00670.010.0570.1912.5863

    All columns but ID# need to go into a table in the following format:


    data should look like:

    1123456789_44603604734460360473C935160 1/12/2011LargeBearingJournalRunout 0.0036

    2123456789_44603604734460360473C935160 1/12/2011SmallBearingJournalRunout 0.0067

    3123456789_44603604734460360473C935160 1/12/2011BoreSize 0.01

    4123456789_44603604734460360473C935160 1/12/2011BoreOvality 0.057

    5123456789_44603604734460360473C935160 1/12/2011BorePerpBackface 0.19

    6123456789_44603604734460360473C935160 1/12/2011RadialFlatnessBackface 12.5863

    sUnitNumber = OrderNumber+PartNumber

    sUnitType = PartNumber

    sLocation = MachineNumber

    dTimeStamp = Date

    sOperationType = Column 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11

    Any help would be great! Thanks.

  • Can you be more specific on sOperationtype result? You say Column 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 but what decides the "OR"? in your sample data those columns have values so how do you want to decide which to display. Other wise this gets you most of the way i think

    Something Like

    Insert into "Table2" (










    cast(OrderNumber as varchar(50)) + '_' + cast(PartNumber as varchar(50)),

    PartNumber as 'PartNumber',

    MachineNumber as 'sLocation'


    --need this defined



    from "Table1"

  • What you put is what I started with but I need to put all the columns so it wouldn't be an OR.

    This is where I am at:


    declare @UnitNumber varchar(40)

    declare @UnitType varchar(20)

    declare @Location varchar(25)

    declare @OperationType1 varchar(25)

    declare @OperationType2 varchar(25)

    declare @OperationType3 varchar(8)

    declare @OperationType4 varchar(11)

    declare @OperationType5 varchar(16)

    declare @OperationType6 varchar(22)

    declare @Value1 varchar(10)

    declare @Value2 varchar(10)

    declare @Value3 varchar(10)

    declare @Value4 varchar(10)

    declare @Value5 varchar(10)

    declare @Value6 varchar(10)

    set @OperationType1 = 'OPGM.P.OP50.LargeBearingJournalRunout'

    set @OperationType2 = 'OPGM.P.OP50.SmallBearingJournalRunout'

    set @OperationType3 = 'OPGM.P.OP50.BoreSize'

    set @OperationType4 = 'OPGM.P.OP50.BoreOvality'

    set @OperationType5 = 'OPGM.P.OP50.BorePerpBackface'

    set @OperationType6 = 'OPGM.P.OP50.RadialFlatnessBackface'

    select @UnitNumber = OrderNumber + '_' + PartNumber,

    @UnitType = PartNumber,

    @Location = 'GM.' + MachineNumber ,

    @Value1 = LargeBearingJournalRunout,

    @Value2 = SmallBearingJournalRunout,

    @Value3 = BoreSize,

    @Value4 = BoreOvality,

    @Value5 = BorePerpBackface,

    @Value6 = RadialFlatnessBackface

    from OP50_AGDavis

    insert into gearmachining










    values ('REAL',@UnitNumber,@UnitType,@Location,@OperationType1,'2011-01-18',1,@Value1,'m')


    Then I thought, would I have to have 6 insert statements to cover the 6 values? Seemed like a lot so I wondered if there was a different or easier way?

  • Forgive me if I'm not understanding its a dark rainy Friday and I'm fighting the urge to sleep 😉

    It sounds like you want to take each value for the different Journals and insert a row for that? So pivot your table and columns 6-11 into rows?

  • Yes, yes! Good job, essentially pivot the table (guess I couldn't think of that wording).

  • Try this Code. You'll need to add in the last few columns to pivot but if you understand the code it will take you just a few seconds to finish.

    declare @table1 table (

    ID int,

    OrderNumber bigint,

    PartNumber bigint,

    Date datetime,

    MachineNumber varchar(50),

    LargeBearingJournalRunout numeric(18,4),

    [Small BearingJournalRunout] numeric(18,4),

    BoreSize numeric(18,4),

    BoreOvality numeric(18,4),

    BorePerpBackface numeric(18,4),

    RadialFlatnessBackface numeric(18,4))

    insert into @table1


    (1 ,


    4460360473 ,



    0.0036 ,


    0.01 ,


    0.19 ,


    select * from @table1

    SELECT row_number() over(partition by ID order by ID) as ID,

    cast(OrderNumber as varchar(50)) + '_' + cast(PartNumber as varchar(50)),

    orig.PartNumber, MachineNumber as 'sLocation',


    unpvt.ColumnName, unpvt.Data

    FROM @table1 orig



    SELECT 'LargeBearingJournalRunout', LargeBearingJournalRunout UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Small BearingJournalRunout', [Small BearingJournalRunout]

    ) unpvt (ColumnName,Data)

    You'll see i put your sample data into a table variable and select from it. then do the pivot to show you how each column becomes a row. Wrap that as in insert and you are good to go i think. Also note I adopted this from thread You can follow that thread to see people smarter than me who came up with this.

    Edit: also I never asked what version of SQL you were running. This code was tested in SQL2k5

  • I am running 2005.

    This worked great to pivot the data, I am losted how to do the insert.

    This is what I have so far:



    MeasurementType = 'REAL',

    cast(orig.OrderNumber as varchar(9)) + '_' + cast(orig.PartNumber as varchar(10)) as UnitNumber,

    orig.PartNumber as UnitType,

    orig.MachineNumber as Location,


    orig.Date as aTimeStamp,


    from OP50_AGDavis orig

    cross apply


    SELECT 'OPGM.P.OP50.LargeBearingJournalRunout', LargeBearingJournalRunout UNION ALL

    SELECT 'OPGM.P.OP50.SmallBearingJournalRunout', SmallBearingJournalRunout UNION ALL

    SELECT 'OPGM.P.OP50.BoreSize', BoreSize

    ) unpvt (OperationType,aValue)

    This gives me the data and the format I need it in but I don't know how wrap it all into an insert code.

    insert into gearmachining
















    I get an error:

    The name "MeasurementType" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.

    Please help. Thank you.

  • I'm not sure why you are using the Insert into ...Values .... You are not inserting specific values, but instead want to pass in the results from your select statement to the Insert. Below is an example using my queries from above. I have created another table variable "gearmachining" which should be your destination table and I do an insert into followed by the select statement that will put the data in.

    declare @table1 table (

    ID int,

    OrderNumber bigint,

    PartNumber bigint,

    Date datetime,

    MachineNumber varchar(50),

    LargeBearingJournalRunout numeric(18,4),

    [Small BearingJournalRunout] numeric(18,4),

    BoreSize numeric(18,4),

    BoreOvality numeric(18,4),

    BorePerpBackface numeric(18,4),

    RadialFlatnessBackface numeric(18,4))

    insert into @table1


    (1 ,


    4460360473 ,



    0.0036 ,


    0.01 ,


    0.19 ,


    --select * from @table1

    declare @gearmachining table (

    sMeasurementType varchar(50),

    sUnitNumber varchar(50),

    sUnitType varchar(50),

    sLocation varchar(50),

    sOperationType varchar(50),

    dTimestamp datetime,

    svalue numeric(18,4))

    insert into @gearmachining








    SELECT --row_number() over(partition by ID order by ID) as ID,

    'Real' as MeasurementType,

    cast(OrderNumber as varchar(50)) + '_' + cast(PartNumber as varchar(50)) as 'UnitNumber',

    orig.PartNumber as UnitType,

    MachineNumber as 'sLocation',




    FROM @table1 orig



    SELECT 'LargeBearingJournalRunout', LargeBearingJournalRunout UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Small BearingJournalRunout', [Small BearingJournalRunout] UNION ALL

    SELECT 'BoreSize', BoreSize

    ) unpvt (sOperationType,Data)

    select * from @gearmachining

    Link to Microsoft insert statement

  • YOU ARE AWESOME! I have only used the Insert function simply that's why I thought you had to assign values.

    I changed it so it inserts into my existing table and works great!

    Thanks again for all your help and links.

  • I'm glad I was able to help and hope you learned from the experience. Best of luck to you.

  • Yes I did learn.

    But I have another question now. The gearmachining table I am inserting into has an index on it to create a unique key with

    UnitNumber, OperationType, Location, TimeSTamp. So I run the query for the first time and it adds to table gearmachining,

    then I add more rows to the original table, run the query again and get the following error:

    "Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.gearmachining' with unique index 'UK_GearMaching'."

    The new data when these 4 fields are combined (UnitNumber, OperationType, Location, TimeSTamp) are unique from the

    previous data.

    So then it terminates. What do I do now?

    Do I have to determine if the data already exits in gearmachining? I thought that was the point of the indexes.

    Thanks again.

  • Correct if you are going to run the insert statement multiple times you need to add a where clause filter to only add in new records. There are many ways to do this. If you run the import once a day then you could put a filter on the select to say where sdate is eaqual to todays date for example. Run this every day and you only get new records. If you have more details on how what you are trying to do I can try to offer a few ways to get there.

    Your other question about indexes the Purpose of the index is really to improve query performance by have a way to lookup data rows rather than looking at the entire table to find a value. Having indexes can also enforce uniqueness in your data which you have run into. I've been working with SQL server for almost a decade in different roles, but Indexes is still something I learn something new about pretty often. Check out this series of articles and see if it helps.

    This man knows what he is talking about 😀

  • So this works great! But now I need to add the constraint, so I started with a simple table

    insert into gearmachining










    MeasurementType = 'REAL',

    cast(orig.OrderNumber as varchar(9)) + '_' + cast(orig.PartNumber as varchar(10)) as UnitNumber,

    orig.PartNumber as UnitType,

    'GM.' + orig.MachineNumber as Location,


    orig.Date as aTimeStamp,



    from OP11_AGDavis orig

    cross apply


    SELECT 'OPGM.' + orig.Abb + '.OP11.Point1', Point1

    ) unpvt (OperationType,aValue)

    I tried:

    WHERE table_id <> orig.idOP11AGD - error

    Really drawing a blank on this and it should be simple right?

    Basically the unique key in table OP11_AGDavis is idOP11AGD

    so if that plus the partnumber and ordernumber are not in the

    gearmachining table then insert? Do I wrap the above insert

    code into a where statement?


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