Transactional replication - SQL 7

  • I am configuring transactional replication on a SQL Server 7.0 (SP3) machine, not real time transactional replication.

    As we all know replication does not transfer identity columns in the correct format or transfer the stored procedures / table relations ships / etc. The server we are replication to must be a backup server to the first server.

    Is there any way of configuring the replicated server to be an eaxt copy of the first one, in terms of the database and do I configure this?

    Our database uses inidetity columns in 99 percent of the tables and the definately need to be transfered and available in a case where server 1 fails.

    Can anybody please help me urgently? (I do not have access to my usual e-mail adress)

  • Updating subscribers will handle identity keys for you, as will merge replication. As far as any proc changes, you have to keep them in sync manually, replication really just manages the published tables and the stored procs that replication uses to access them.


  • Andy,

    Thank you for the help. So if I understand you correctly the identity column must just be manually recreated on the subscription database and it should work fine? What about all the table relationships, is that taken over as well when creating the replication DB?


    Raino Botha

  • When applying the snapshot you can specify what to re create at the subscribers...tables, pkeys, indexes, fk.

    You can manully add the relationships when creating the subscriber db, or you can also let the snapshot to script those relations and apply them when sincronyzing.

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