Transactional replication

  • I have a table with 2 pages and 98 rows on the publisher, but 3 pages and 98 rows on the subscriber. Why would these differ and what are thoughts on how I should proceed?


  • In case of replication data should match between publisher and subscriber. By data, I mean number of rows and columns values.

    (Replication validation checks for row count and checksum.)

    There many be other things that are not matching, for example, indexes.

    Replication has no control on where the data is saved in the data file.

    Remember, replication is data distribution technology. In case of HA solution like log-shipping number of pages would be same.

    Replication works at publication/article. Replication does not work at database level.

    For example:In your publisher database may have one data file. Whereas in your subscriber, database may have two data files. In this scenario, the table may be saved in one file in the publisher and two files in the subscriber.

    So, the difference in the number of pages should not be concern.

  • Great, thanx!

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