Transaction Context in use by another session

  • Hi There can you help me?

    I have a linked server set up and a trigger at the same time

    Inside the trigger you will find this code

    DELETE FROM [ACDB].[Linkedable703].[dbo].ac_CategoryParents

    WHERE categoryid in

    (SELECT categoryid

    FROM [ACDB].[Linkedable703].[dbo].ac_Categories c

    INNER JOIN inserted i

    on i.cntID = c.intVCCategoryID)

    but the weird part is their is no other trigger in the other database that will be trigger back to the first database that can caused transaction context is in used byt another session

    But this line of code cause the that error.

    any help?


  • What error?

    And how many rows are in [ACDB].[Linkedable703].[dbo].ac_Categories?

    If it is very many you are incurring a HUGE penalty every time the trigger is called.


  • The error is transaction Context is used by another session....

  • Create a second connection to the same server/database and use it. I'm guessing that will solve it..


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