Tracking currently executing CLRs - How with DMVs?

  • I am trying to track which CLRs are currently running as I see SPIDs that are executing managed code causing CPU contention.

    I have tried using the sys.dm_exec_requests DMV where executing_managed_code = 1 and joining to sys.dm_clr_tasks and then joining those to assemblies etc. but all i get is a SPID with no indication of what managed code is currently being executing.

    I have also tried using sys.dm_exec_connections and using the most_recent_sql_handle and passing that to sys.dm_exec_sql_text to see if I can identify the SQL that called it, but no luck unfortunately.

    I used extended events to try to capture SP executions etc. no luck.

    Can any help me track down which CLRs are being executed to identify the cause of CPU contention?


    Additional Info

    This blog post by Glenn Berry doesn't particularly help[/url]

  • test

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