Total in matrix table navigation link not correct


    Hi I have a matrix table with


    Status as the row heading and month as the column heading. The detail is a count off the records which fall into these statuses and the month columns.


    The detail also contains a navigation link to a subreport which returns the records which make up the count.


    For example if the detail contains a 7 , when i click on the 7 it returns 7 records with details off these records. The subreport accepts 2 parameters which is passed over from the navigation link, the parameters are - status id and month. 


    My question is - I have put a total on the matrix for the month columns, when i click on the total value the subreport appears (as the total is treated as part off the details) but it does not return the correct number off records. Im unsure as to why the total would not return all records , but it seems it is not passing the month parameter correctly, it seems to not to know to pass 'all' months which appear on the matrix as it is the 'total'. It seems to get confused and returns records only for a particular month. I thought the matrix would be smart enough to know that when a total has a navigation to return all records.


    Can someone please help



  • Has anyone found a solution to this ?

    Has Microsoft released a patch fix for this ? how do i turn off the navigation for the total only ?



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