To Case or Not

  • Let's say my data is being retrieve from the same table but I want it to display it as such
    NY      Joe           75          CodeA         100          NBC
    Chi      Kelly         50         CodeD           50           ABC
    NO      Sue          25         CodeB            30           FOX
    LA       John         75        CodeC             15          HBO

    TableA has the 4 columns, Place(which is the first column), Name (2nd column), Values( which is column 3 & 5) And CodeType which is column( 4 & 6)

    My question is, do I need to used the case statement in order to get theCodeType column to break out into two columns .
    How can I go about achieving this?

  • Doesn't seem to me like you need a CASE statement but rather use some string functions.  If you want a specific example please post test data but I'll give you a sample on how you can split the one column into two.  Again this is assuming a very specific format since I don't know what your actual data looks like.

    DECLARE @myTable TABLE (CodeType VARCHAR(10))
    INSERT INTO @myTable
    VALUES ('CodeA NBC'), ('CodeD ABC'), ('CodeB FOX'), ('CodeC HBO')

    SUBSTRING(CodeType, 1, (CHARINDEX(' ', CodeType))) AS Code,
    SUBSTRING(CodeType, CHARINDEX(' ', CodeType), LEN(CodeType)) AS Network



    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • I see were you going but the problem with your example it's basically repeating the code, Network will be the same as llcode but with one character missing.
    attach is some sample data.  I'm trying to get llcode to have "CCOST" & "CGS" and another column to have just "CFEES".

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