Timeout Expired when Registering a Server

  • Hi All,

    A company I'm consulting for was running SQL Server 7.0 on NT Server 4.0. I've never had trouble connecting to their SQL Server from home with a 33.6K modem (I setup the server with the Client Network Utility, then Registered the server with Ent Mgr). Two weeks ago they upgraded their server to Windows 2000 Server, and now I constantly get a Timeout Expired error when trying to register the very same server. The error returns within 3 seconds, no matter what I put in for a username (even junk letters... it doesn't even get to the point of authenticating me). I had them run sp_configure, and the remote login timeout is 20 seconds, so it's not that (plus it worked before under NT4.0). Strangely, my VB apps can connect with ADO 2.6 with NO PROBLEM, right over the phone line, using the same username and password. Their NT Admin is stumped. Any ideas on why I can't register the server all of a sudden now that the server is Win2K???

  • Verify you are using TCP/IP to make the connection and not netbuei or a named entry. Also, did you upgrade you client tools to 2000 from 7?

  • Sure did. This still happened when they were still running 7.0. I'm using TCP/IP, and I tried both the server name and the server's IP address. I upgraded to 2000's tools, same thing. This past weekend they upgraded to SQL Server 2000... same thing. Weird. It all changed when they migrated to Win2K. I even tried using named pipes. I wonder if there's a TCP-listening setting in Win2K that's not default and needs to be?

  • FIGURED IT OUT. When they migrated to Windows 2000, the DNS didn't get configured correctly. I could ping their servers with the IP address once I'm past the firewall with VPN, but I couldn't ping the server NAMES. They still need to sort out the issue, but all I had to do was add the IP addresses and server names to the Hosts file on my PC, in C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc. Now I'm in.

  • Glad you found your fix and it was so simple.

  • Thanks! Me too.

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