Timeout expired

  • I use SQL server 2000 as a back end to access 2000.

    I have a VBA script in access that uses the transferdatabase function to transfer a database to SQL server.

    When I have more than 120,000 records in access, I get this error in access:

    >[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Timeout Expired

    Is there any parameter that I could set to change the timeout value . If so, where is this setting done.

    Any ideas , suggestions would be appreciated.


  • Are you using ADO to connect?  If so you can set both the Connection and the command timeouts as follows:

    DataConn.ConnectionTimeout = 15

    DataConn.CommandTimeout = 30

  • Use the ConnectionTimeout property of the Connection Object and set an appropriate value for it.



  • Actually I am not sure if it is ADO or DAO. I have taken over this code and am relatively new to access.  The problem code is as follows

    Call DoCmd.TransferDatabase(acExport, "ODBC Database", _

                "ODBC;DSN=Volume_Control;UID=sa;PWD=xxxx!", _

                acTable, "tblFilename" & processPane.ListItems(ctr), "tblTemperooeste", False, False)

    There is a SQL server sproc being executed using ADO in the same sub as follows, but no connection before the transferdatabase  function. 

    cmd.ActiveConnection = "DSN=Volume_Control;database=Volume_Control;UID=sa;PWD=xxxx!"

            cmd.CommandText = "dbo.migrateTempToSeries 'tblTemperooeste'"

            cmd.Execute , , ADODB.adExecuteNoRecords

    Could I use the timeout function directly  or do I have to setablish a connection before I do that ?

    Thanks for any help.

  • Docmd.TransferDatabase does not have timeout option and neither does your DSN you are using to see database.

    Are you willing to recode the solution?  Quickist is to make DTS package and call from SQLDMO in your access code.

    Just set a reference to Microsoft DTSPackage Object Library and ...

    Dim oDtsPackage As New DTS.Package

    oDtsPackage.LoadFromSQLServer "YOURSERVERNAME", , , DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection, , , , "YOURDTSPACKAGENAME"



    Set oDtsPackage = Nothing

    There is a cool article on this at http://www.sqldts.com/default.aspx?208

    The previous post refer to using ADODB.Connection and ADODB.Command to open connection and execute command on database like this...

    '// First set reference to ADO 2.5 or better

    '// Now define a connection string and don't show us the sa password!!!


        Dim oConn As ADODB.Connection

        Dim oCmd As ADODB.Command

        Dim oPrm As ADODB.Parameter

        Set oConn = New ADODB.Connection

        With oConn

            .ConnectionTimeout = "15"

            .CommandTimeout = "60"

            .CursorLocation = adUseServer

            .Mode = adModeRead

            .Open CONN_STRING

        End With

        Set oCmd = New ADODB.Command

        With oCmd

            .CommandTimeout = "360"

            .CommandText = "P_YOURPROC"

            .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

            Set oPrm = .CreateParameter("Return", adInteger, adParamReturnValue, , -1)

                       .Parameters.Append oPrm

            Set oPrm = .CreateParameter("YOURPARAMETERS", adVarChar, adParamInput, 10, YOURVALUE)

                       .Parameters.Append oPrm

        End With


        Set oCmd.ActiveConnection = oConn

        Set oRs = New ADODB.Recordset

        With oRs

            .CursorLocation = adUseClient

            .LockType = adLockReadOnly

            .CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly

            .CacheSize = 500

        End With


        oRs.Open oCmd

    but you have to define the stored procedure to do the work you need done. You can create stored procedures to bcp or dts data around.

    Otherwise I recommend using stored procedure to do all the moving around of data you need. If you want to get at your Access MDB from SQL SERVER first define the MDB as a linked server and then use OPENQUERY fourpart names to get at the data.

    Good Luck.



  • jhouston, thanku for your time and patience in explaining this to me. I will try this and post my results.

  • Call DoCmd.TransferDatabase(acExport, "ODBC Database", _

                "ODBC;DSN=Volume_Control;UID=sa;PWD=xxxx!", _

                acTable, "tblFilename" & processPane.ListItems(ctr), "tblTemperooeste", False, False)

    The above uses The Jet engine to retrieve remote data to override the behavior for a particular query you modify the ODBCTimeout property of the particular QueryDef object.

    Because you are not using any query object you have modify the ENGINE GLOBALLY

    And all you have to do is goto the following key on the registry


    and modify

    QueryTimeout = X (seconds)




    * Noel

  • does there anyone using these tables (select , update, ....) when you insert your data ... if yes .. then you have a locking problem from the users that uses this data

    you have to read more in using (with (nolock) ) .. in table hint when using select statment from userts to get data.

    you have to transfer in time there is no users using this SQL database.. or adjust your other User select statement

    Alamir Mohamed

  • noeld, thanku very much for your suggestion. I have made the registry changes and the data will be coming in next week for me to test it on. It will be simpler than changing to ADO.

  • noeld, I just got new data and tested with the changed registry values. The process did not timeout, and ran successfully. Thanku very much for your suggestion.

  • Hi Triveni, I have the same problem. What value did you change your registry QueryTimeout value to? 0 - infinite or something higher like 300?


    Thank you!

  • Serge,

    I set mine to 480 which is enough for the maximum amount of data that I transfer.


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