Time Calculation

  • Hi guys,

    This is my first post, I am not too experienced with SQL so please bare with me.

    I have got a table which stores a time duration as a varchar eg. 00:01:06

    indicating hours:minutes:seconds

    It is used to store call durations so each row has got an extension, number, cost etc... together with it.

    The problem is that I need to perform a Group By in order to find the total cost, number of calls to a particular number, and call duration for each number.

    SUM(Cost) for the call costs works fine and COUNT(Number) also works for counting how many calls were made to each number but I cannot do the same for Duration because it is a varchar.

    SUM(CAST Duration AS datetime) wont work either...

    The idea is so that the results will show each number only once, with a total cost, number of calls and call duration.

    Any ideas?

  • One thing you can do is to convert your varchar time to its lowest granularity -- seconds -- and then sum the seconds.


    For example, perhaps something like:

    declare @test-2 table(aGroup char(1), aTime varchar(8))

    insert into @test-2

    select 'A', '00:00:47' union all

    select 'A', '00:08:09' union all

    select 'A', '23:59:59' union all

    select 'B', '01:01:01'

    --select * from @test-2



    sum( 3600*convert(int, left(aTime, 2)) +

    60*convert(int, substring(aTime, 4, 2)) +

    convert(int, right(aTime, 2))

    ) as totalSeconds

    from @test-2

    group by aGroup

    /* -------- Sample Output: --------

    aGroup totalSeconds

    ------ ------------

    A 86935

    B 3661


    With a question that relates to the formatting of the accumulate time -- days:hours:minutes:seconds?

  • "stores a time duration as a varchar eg. 00:01:06"

    The problem is the physical datatype used and the that formating is stored. More appropriate would be a numeric datatype such as integer and store only seconds.

    To convert the current format to seconds:


    set@time = '06:12:03'

    selectDATEDIFF(ss,cast( '1900-01-01T00:00:00' as datetime) , cast( '1900-01-01T' + @time as datetime) )

    Now, the integer seconds column can be aggregated ( summed, averaged, standard deviation)

    To convert seconds to a display format:

    declare @secondsint

    set@seconds= 22323

    selectSUBSTRING( CONVERT( varchar(255) , DATEADD(ss,@seconds,cast( '1900-01-01T00:00:00' as datetime) ) , 126 ) , 12, 8)

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Try out this query and let me know.

    create table CallCost


    Phoneno varchar(10),

    Duration varchar(15),

    Cost numeric(8,2)


    insert into CallCost

    select '9841645768','00:20:15',20

    union all

    select '9841645768','00:00:15',1

    union all

    select '9940272484','00:55:01',60

    union all

    select '9940272484','00:01:15',2

    union all

    select '9940272484','00:10:15',10

    union all

    select '9841645768','00:00:55',1

    union all


    select Phoneno,


    Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,1,2))) as Hours,

    Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,4,2))) as Minutes,

    Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2))) as Seconds,

    'CalculatedSeconds' = case when Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2))) /60 >= 1

    then Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2))) - (60* (Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2)))/60))

    when Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2))) /60 <= 1

    then Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2)))


    'CalculatedMinutes' = case when Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2))) /60 >= 1

    then Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,4,2))) + Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2)))/60

    when Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,4,2))) /60 >= 1

    then Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,4,2))) - (60* (Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,4,2)))/60))


    'CalculatedHours' = Case when Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,4,2))) /60 >= 1

    then Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,1,2))) + Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,4,2))) /60


    from CallCost

    group by Phoneno


  • I have tested for some more data.

    insert into CallCost

    select '9841145768','00:55:00',1

    union all

    select '9841145768','01:00:05',1

    union all

    select '9841145768','00:05:00',1

    The above code works fine.

    Phone Number Cost Hour Minutes Seconds CalSec CalMin CalHour






  • Robert,

    Latest code is below.

    select Phoneno,

    'Cost' = Sum(Cost),

    Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,1,2))) as Hours,

    Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,4,2))) as Minutes,

    Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2))) as Seconds,

    'CalculatedSeconds' = case when Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2))) /60 >= 1

    then Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2))) - (60* (Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2)))/60))

    when Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2))) /60 <= 1

    then Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2)))


    'CalculatedMinutes' = case when Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2))) /60 >= 1

    then Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,4,2))) + Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,7,2)))/60

    when Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,4,2))) /60 >= 1

    then Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,4,2))) - (60* (Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,4,2)))/60))


    'CalculatedHours' = Case when Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,4,2))) /60 >= 1

    then Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,1,2))) + Sum(convert(int,substring(Duration,4,2))) /60


    into #Temp

    from CallCost

    group by Phoneno

    select Phoneno,Cost,

    'Hour' = case when len(convert(varchar,isnull(CalculatedHours,00))) = 1 then '0' + convert(varchar,isnull(CalculatedHours,00)) else convert(varchar,isnull(CalculatedHours,00)) end,

    'Minutes' = case when len(convert(varchar,isnull(CalculatedMinutes,00))) = 1 then '0' + convert(varchar,isnull(CalculatedMinutes,00)) else convert(varchar,isnull(CalculatedMinutes,00)) end,

    'Seconds' = case when len(convert(varchar,isnull(CalculatedSeconds,00))) = 1 then '0' +convert(varchar,isnull(CalculatedSeconds,00)) else convert(varchar,isnull(CalculatedSeconds,00)) end

    from #Temp


    PhoneNo Cost Hr Min Secs






  • My head... it hurts...

    Jokes, thanks for all of your suggestions so far.

    I am busy trying them all out and I will get back to you once I have made sense of it all.

    Its quite a bit to take in.

  • Hi guys,

    Thanks again for all of your help and suggestions,


    Your method works perfectly, after working through it carefully it is actually a lot simpler than it looks at first glance but it would of taken me days to figure out that logic on my own... thank you very much.



  • Welcome !:)


  • Hi, karthikeyan

    I need to borrow your mind again... for some reason with certain data, the minutes do not seem to increment over to hours properly, here is an example set of data below which I am having trouble with.

    insert into #CallCost

    select '2423731122','00:03:22',20

    union all

    select '2423731122','00:01:05',20

    union all

    select '2423731122','00:04:47',20

    union all

    select '2423731122','00:07:40',20

    union all

    select '2423731122','00:00:50',20

    union all

    select '2423731122','00:06:16',20

    union all

    select '2423731122','00:08:54',20

    union all

    select '2423731122','00:14:02',20

    union all

    select '2423731122','00:11:19',20

    union all

    select '2423731122','00:08:51',20

    union all

    select '2423731122','00:06:03',20

    union all

    select '2423731122','00:11:19',20

    union all

    select '2423731122','00:08:42',20

    union all

    select '2423731122','00:10:14',20

    It returns 00 hours and 103 minutes and 24 seconds for some reason.

    It is the strangest thing though, with the test data you provide, the incrementation to hours works perfectly but in the data I am pulling from the database, it doesnt want to tick over to hours for this bit of sample data, or any other data which comes from the database where it goes over into hours...

  • Ok dont worry.

    I suppose I can give you some background.

    The calculation you showed me, I added into the SELECT statement which is being used by an application I am working on.

    The application retrieves information from a database and imports it into Excel, it then uses the information to create a PivotChart which is then used for reporting purposes.

    All I did to solve the minutes problem was set the column number format to HH:MM:SS and Excel did the rest.

    I know its not really solving the problem but its also redundant in a way I suppose.

  • Try that, for the previous #CallCost table

    select aGroup, sum(datediff(ss, '00:00:00', aTime)) totalSecs,

    sum(datediff(ss, '00:00:00', aTime)) / 3600 as hrs,

    (sum(datediff(ss, '00:00:00', aTime)) / 60) % 60 as mins, -- % (Modulo)

    sum(datediff(ss, '00:00:00', aTime)) % 60 as secs

    from #CallCost

    group by aGroup

  • You did not post the SQL you are running so it will not be possbile to review but here is some SQL with the results:

    PhoneNo Duration Cost

    2423731122 01:43:24 280.00

    Here is the SQL to get the result:


    ,SUBSTRING( CONVERT( varchar(255)

    , DATEADD(ss


    , cast( '1900-01-01T00:00:00' as datetime )

    , cast( '1900-01-01T' + Duration as datetime )



    , cast ( '1900-01-01T00:00:00' as datetime) ) , 126 )

    , 12, 8)

    ,SUM ( Cost ) as TotalCost

    from #CallCost

    group by Phoneno

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • robert (7/2/2008)

    SUM(CAST Duration AS datetime) wont work either...

    Since that's basically the correct way to do it, tell me... what do you mean it won't work?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Nabila:

    Thanks, your solution works well, and does not have any issues with that dataset which I posted either.

    Carl Federl:

    Thanks to you too, the result your SQL gives is actually exactly what I am looking for.

    Jeff Moden:

    When I use:

    SUM(CAST Duration AS datetime)

    I get the following error message:

    Server: Msg 409, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    The sum or average aggregate operation cannot take a datetime data type as an argument.

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