Three Level Replication

  • Hallo Great People!

    I have successfully implemented merge replication where by the server(publisher) is based in one town Say Town A and the subscribers are 40 netbooks which are based in a different town 100km apart say Town B which collect data and they periodically upload this data to the server in Town A using A VPN.

    This has been successful but managing all this 40 netbooks to synchronize has really been challenging.

    Now the project got really exited and wants to implement the above system on like 60 more netbooks which again will be based in a different town say Town C.

    been thinking of it and i have an idea of how i can implement it but wanted some questions discussed in this forum

    i want to have a sub server in each town i.e instead of the netbooks synchronizing the data to the main server they synchronize it to the sub server and each sub server synchronizes to the main server.

    The Question is , is it possible to set up a three level replication architecture where by the netbooks subscribe to the sub server in each town B and C and the sub server to subscribe to the main server in Town A.

  • Yes it is. You can create a multi tier replication topology with a publisher -> subscriber/publisher -> subscriber.

    It'll be easier to leave replicate ddl on and have a pull subscription model so the subscribers dictate when they connect (i.e. turned on)

  • Thank you ....

    I will do a test and see how it works.

    ..another question is will the id's organize themselves from the main server?

    as in id conflicts will not occur?

  • I'm always cautious when using identities in replication. They've stung me in the past.

    What you will need to do is calculate how many identities you need at all subscribers between syncronisation and double it (treble is better). The republisher will allocate identities from its own pool which you configure at the source.

    I know it works but i dont like how you end up with unused/missed ranges.

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